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What a wonderful project this was!  At Greentown Elementary here in Ohio, we really enjoyed the experience of integrating technology skills into a "tried and true" unit of study that young children could relate to. Thank you Susan, for providing us with a teacher tested and straightforward project that we were able to integrate seamlessly into our classroom curriculum.  As a side note, not only were the children able to peek into the windows of other second grade classrooms via their computer screens....I had the delightful experience of discovering MY old grade school, Bloomfield Central Elementary, listed as a participant!  Thanks to this project I was able to develop a new e-mail friendship with Ann Rosati and we have made plans to collaborate in other projects throughout the school year.  Add to the mix that I have both a niece and a nephew in the second grade at Bloomfield Elementary and you have an excellent example of just how small the world can indeed become when one ventures onto the web!  What a wonderful time to be in education!  My heartfelt thanks to Susan Silverman for the efforts she has made to bring us closer together as educators through her projects.
Pattie Knox - Technology Specialist - North Canton City Schools, Ohio

This is another "FUN-TASTIC" site created by the talented Susan Silverman! As usual, students were able to share various writing activities created in classrooms all over the world. My second graders were "WOWED" by the multitude of examples they were able to view! The Apple Links and Online Games were an added bonus. Susan places an "About This Project" section on all of her sites. This section is a great help for novice and experienced participants. Thanks for another great learning experience! SUSAN MAKES LEARNING FUN!
Michele Nash- Second Grade Teacher-Cumberland Elementary Schools, Whitefish Bay, Wisconsin

What an excellent project Apple Bytes was. My students enjoyed creating poems, stories, pictures and a slide show about apples. They learned a great deal from the online activities. They especially enjoyed seeing their work on the web. Thank you Susan for sharing your ideas and talents.
Roxann Penfield, St. Bernadette School, Omaha, NE

My children found the webpages easy to access( once we got the long address typed in), moving from screen to screen was painless and the presentations were very eye-catching but not distracting!  They enjoyed locating where each class was from. They also learned a lot more from the links of games and extra info. Their favorite by far was "Who wants to be a millionaire". As a teacher, my job was easy. I simply e'mailed my info which made me feel comfortable with the project. All the techie stuff was up to you. I think this was a great benefit because I did not feel apprehensive about my lack of technological skill. I am looking forward to participating in next year's project and/or any other idea you have cooked up. Keep up the good work!
Debbie Bradshaw, Colonel William Casey Elementary School, Columbia, Kentucky

The Apple Bytes project was the first Internet project for our class. It generated much enthusiasm and numerous learning opportunities. With great pride, students read their cinquain poems on the webpage. They enjoyed reading other classes' work, playing "Who Wants to be a Millionaire", Hangman and other online activities. Apple Bytes was a great way to integrate lessons across all areas of the second grade curriculum. The technology piece was a way for the students to learn navigational skills with material at their own level. Students and their families returned to the website again and again.
Thank you, Susan for your countless hours in putting it all together. I look forward to your next online project!
Ann Rosati, Bloomfield Elementary School, Bloomfield, New York

My blended class had a great time with the Apple Bytes project.   They were proud of the apple poems that they wrote and so exited to see their work published on the web.  They really enjoyed seeing what other second grade classes had done, too...especially when that class had done an activity that we had done in our classroom!  Thanks again for including us, Susan.

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