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This page is for student participants to e-mail their comments about this project.

We really liked the Apple Bytes project! Some things we liked were:
tasting yummy apples, being on the Internet, drawing our apples on KidPix, having Mrs. Knox help us do the graph on the computer and writingour poetry. We liked visiting other schools on the pages. Thank you Mrs. Silverman!
From Mrs. Tamargo's Second Grade in North Canton, Ohio

Letters From Mrs Ahlbrecht's Class
Robert Frost Elementary School
Sioux Falls, South Dakota

Dear Mrs. Silverman,
Thank you so much for thinking of Apple Bytes.  It is great!  I really like the poems you  put on the internet.  I think that it is so cool to sll all different kinds of poems from different classes and countries.  I learned that you could send poems on the internet.  I liked it a lot!
Your friend,

Dear Mrs. Silverman
I liked your website Apple Bytes.  I liked the pictures your website had.  Great job.  It looks great.  I learned about different kinds of apples.  A lot of the kids wrote about Granny Smith apples, and how sour they are.  I wonder how sour?   Oh, yah, the book reports.  They were great!  The title of my book is called From Apple Seed To Applesauce. It is by Hanna Jonsan.  I got taped.   It was fun.  I got to watch myself.  I learned about writing and books.   I just wanted to say, "thank you."
Your friend,

Dear Mrs. Silverman,
Thank you for your cool ideas for the computer.  I liked them.  The poems are very cool.  I like writing poems, too.  It is fun. We looked at the website on the computer.  I learned that apples have enemies from one of the poems.
Your friend,

Dear Mrs. Silverman,
I like your Apple Bytes program.  It is really fun!  I thought that apples could only make your grow, but I learned that they can do other stuff.  I like the kids drawings.
Your friend,

Dear Mrs. Silverman,
You have a cool website.  I wish we had one!  You have a lot of cool things on the website.  I like the poems and the drawings.  They are really good!   That must have been pretty fun thinking up a website!  That was a great idea!   I wish I could go on it and my house, but I forgot the address.  In the apple books I learned that the peels give you vitamins.  The apple peels are pretty good too!  I learned that Johnny Appleseed was born in 1832.  He also planted trees across America.  That's a very good website!  Sometimes my mom packs me an apple in my cold lunch.  They are good!
Your friend,

Dear Mrs. Silverman,
I liked your ideas on letting kids all over the world do your lesson.  I like the poems.  My reading is a lot better.  We are learning a lot about dinosaurs.   We are doing science.  Have you ever had a dinosaur project?
Your friend,

Dear Mrs. Silverman,
I really liked Apple Bytes.  It taught me a lot.  I learned what poems are.   I really appreciate it.  I like to drink apple cider.  Thank you for that thing on the computer.  We really like the kid's poems.
Your friend





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