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Mrs. Nixon's Second Grade Class
Cartwright  School
Phoenix, Arizona


Our second grade has practiced writing letters all year. It is how our district evaluates second grade writing skills. We read the book Dear Peter Rabbit by Alma Flor Ada, and when I found out about the Bunny Readers project, I decided this was a perfect opportunity for students to show what they learned this year.

We re-read the book. Then we brainstormed a list of common stories and Mother Goose rhymes. Next, we picked our favorite stories and characters. Students chose a character to use for point of view. When the initial letters were written, we read them all and brainstormed possible answer ideas from Peter Rabbit and other characters. Finally, we wrote answers and made up addresses. I organized the letters in a logical sequence.

We hope you enjoy reading our letters to and from Peter Rabbit.

Susan Nixon
Phoenix, AZ

The Tuffet
March 23, 2000

Dear Peter Rabbit,

I was having a nap when I smelled something good.
I came down to see what it was. I saw a tuffet and
Little Miss Muffet.

I came down beside her. HER HAIR WENT UP LIKE ROCKETS,
and her eyes blew up. Booooom, they went! She fainted!
She was too big to carry, but the tuffet was not.

I had a good lunch, but Miss Muffet did not. Peter Rabbit, I could
get one for you, too. I want to tell you more. I will come to your
house. If you don't see anyone, don't shut the door.
I will hang by a string.

Your friend

Spider (Ricky)

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The Tuffet
March 23, 2000

Dear Peter Rabbit,

Guess what happened? I just saw a spider! It was black and white.
I screamed and ran crying to my mom. The spider was disgusting!
I hate spiders!


Little Miss Muffet (Cayla)

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Rabbit's Carrot House
Hole in the Ground
March 24, 2000

Dear Miss Muffet,

Do not worry about spiders. If you don't like them,
next time you see one, get your shoe and smash it.


Peter Rabbit (Cayla and Serena)

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Little House
West Garden
Windsy Wood
March 23, 2000

Dear Peter Rabbit,

I was walking my sheep until I fell asleep. When I woke up,
I couldn't find my sheep! Oh, how terrible that was!
Oh, if I hadn't fallen asleep!

So, Peter Rabbit, I'm going to have a goodbye party for the sheep.
Can you come? Oh, we will have ice cream and cake.
But if you see my sheep, please let me know.

Your friend,

Little Bo Peep (Elizabeth)

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The Tuffet
March 24, 2000

Dear Little Bo Peep,

I found one of your sheep. The sheep has a gingerbread crumb
in its ear and another on its paw. Please come and get your sheep!
It is destroying my whole entire home. From now on, home, sweet
home is home, sweep home!

Oh, please come as quickly as you can, will you? I don't know what
to give the sheep to eat. Do you know what to give him/her?

Oh, something is scratching at my door. I'll be right back!

Aaaaahhhh! There are three sheep at my door!!!!!! What should I do?
I'm having a contest about feeding sheep!!! Oh, look, there's another
one!! I'm sorry YOU haven't seen your sheep.


Little Miss Muffet (Nancy)

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Woodsy Woods
March 31

Dear Little Bo Peep,

I saw 20 sheep at McGregor's Garden. They said you were sleeping.
They went in the woods, and that's how they got to McGregor's Garden.

They were there all week. They all miss you. You got to come here.
They cried all night and day. Come here, please come here, Little Bo

They all came to my house, and the rest of them showed up, too.
You can come by, if you want, or I can come by with them.

Your friend,

Peter Rabbit (Ricky)

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The Old Barn
McGregor's Farm
March 24

Dear Peter Rabbit,

Hi, dubby. So how have you been? I heard about you getting
a cold. I'm sorry. I hope you feel better than you were, anyway.

Do you know about the Red Hen? She asked us if we wanted to
help her. I didn't. I was too sleepy to help.

"Not I," said the cat and, "Not I," said the mouse.

"Well, I will make bread all by myself," she said, and she did.
She went to buy the seeds and planted them. She watered the
seeds. She baked the flour, too.

And so we all smelled it. We asked her for a taste, but she
said, "No!" We didn't get any. She was just teasing us with the
smell. Bye!


Dog (Deziree)

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The Old Barn

McGregor's Farm March 25

Dear Peter,

I had a problem with Little Red Hen. My friends and I didn't want
to help her with her work. We wanted to help her eat her bread.

She said, "No, because you didn't help me work. No bread for you."
Now we can't go and get bread all day when you come to visit.

Your friend,

Horse (Maria)

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Hen House
McGregor's Farm
March 27

Dear Peter Rabbit,

Would you like to come for some bread, just you and me?
But first you need to help me bake the bread. I'll bake the
bread. You will set the table. If the other animals come, shut
the door on them.

Your friend,

Red Hen (Ingrid)

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Rabbit's Carrot House
Hole in the Ground
March 29

Dear Horse and Dog,

I'm sorry you had a problem with Little Red Hen, but I will help
you and your friends. Help her when she is working. Be nice. The
bread was good. Little Red Hen will make more bread. Help her.

Your friend,

Peter Rabbit (Maria)

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Stone House
Windsy Wood
March 25

Dear Peter Rabbit,

I have a lot of problems. First thing, my Gingerbread Man ran away,
and Fox ate him.

Now the second thing, Humpty Dumpty fell off my wall. Do you know
what? He is suing me, because he leaned over!
Yep. You guessed it. He broke in 1000 pieces. Can you
help me?

Your best friend,

Old Man (Michael G.)

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Stone House
Windsy Wood
March 25

Dear Peter Rabbit,

You won't believe what happened! I was just baking a gingerbread
man for you. Well, I put him in the oven to cook, and when he was
all ready to eat, I opened the oven. He jumped up and ran out the door.

I started chasing him immediately, so you could eat him. But, instead,
Fox ate him, and that was the end of him.


Little Old Woman (Crystal)

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Rabbit's Carrot House
Hole in the Ground
March 27

Dear Old Man,

I'll help you with your suing problem. So how much money do you
need to pay the soo? Is the Old Woman helping you pay?
$4,000,000 is a lot! I'm paying up my insurance!

I'm sorry that Gingerbread Man ran away. I know that Fox ate him. Sincerely,

Peter Rabbit (Juan, Michael G. and Carlos)

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The Den
Windsy Wood
March 27

Dear Peter,

I'm so sorry I ate your dessert. But I could not help it.
I was hungry. Gingerbread is my favorite.


Fox (Dominic)

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Rabbit's Carrot House
Hole in the Ground
Honey Acre Woods
March 29

Dear Fox,

It's okay that you ate my snack. I wasn't supposed to eat sweets
because I was sick in bed. You are the best! I was going to call you,
but here you already ate him!

I wish you were my pet fox. You could come to my party tonight.
It's at 3546 East Honey Acre Woods.


Peter (Dominic)

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East West
Phoenix, AZ
March 23

Dear Peter Rabbit,

Guess what? I was in a race. Tortoise won! I was so mad.
I wanted to race again. He won because I went to sleep.

Why did I have to do something wrong? Why? I had a lot of
carrots and found a tree and fell asleep.

I'm having another race. This time, I'm going to win! You can
come if you want to.

Your friend,

Hare (Iesha)

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Hole in the Ground
Honey Acre Woods
March 25

Dear Hare,

I heard you lost your race.

Can you get me some of those carrots? I like carrots, and I need
some for my cold. I'll get better with carrots.

I'd like to go to the next race! I hope you win, Hare!

Your friend,

Peter Rabbit (Iesha)

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Golden Castle
March 24

Dear Peter Rabbit,

When Humpty Dumpty fell off the wall, we did not get him back
together again. We're sad. Are you sad about what happened? I
hope you can come with me to visit Humpty in the hospital.

Your friend,

The King's Soldier (Bridget)

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Hole in the Ground
Honey Acre Woods
March 25

Dear Soldier,

I cannot come to the hospital today. I have to do my chores.
My mom said I can't go. I wish I could come to visit. Tell me when
Humpty's together again.

Your friend,

Peter Rabbit (Bridget)

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Hole in the Ground
Honey Acre Woods
March 25

Dear Humpty Dumpty,

I am sorry you fell off the Old Man's wall. Don't sit on walls!
I heard you were suing Old Man. Fox told me he chased the dear
Old Lady. Then he ate my gingerbread man.

I hope you get better. Can I come see you? They should make
you a metal egg! You won't crack! I would like to go to your
get well party.

When you get better, you can come to my wedding! It's Friday
morning at the Hollow Oak Tree Chruch.


Peter Rabbit (Joe, Billy, Neil, Travis, Johnathan)

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Little House
West Garden
Windsy Wood
March 26

Dear Humpty Dumpty,

I am sorry you fell off the wall. Maybe I will go to the hospital.
I liked your soft round head. Call me at 603-252-1840.

Your friend,

Little Bo Peep (Ingrid)

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Blossom Burrow
Meadow Run
March 28

Dear Humpty Dumpty,

I am sorry you broke into a million pieces. How do you feel? I
hope you feel better soon. Could they put you back together?
I will visit you someday when I have time. I hope you don't
fall again.

I heard that the Gingerbread Man made by Little Old Woman was
eaten by Fox. Little Boy Blue lost his sheep and cows because he
fell asleep, and the spider scared Little Miss Muffet and ate her
lunch. Red Hen had to do all the work around the house because
Dog, Cat and Horse were all lazy. I lost another race to Tortoise.
There is a lot happening! Well, I have to go. Bye!


Hare (Crystal)

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Old Mill Stream
Woodsy Woods
March 31

Dear Humpty,

I am sorry you're injured. I will come visit you tomorrow.
I hope you get better. If you're not better, I will send you
ice cream.

Your friend,

Fox (Stevie)

The first part of our assessment was from the Arizona Academic Standards.

Standard 2: Students effectively use written language for a variety of purposes and with a variety of audiences.

Writing Foundation 1: Use the writing process, including generating topics, drafting, revising ideas and editing, to complete effectively a variety of writing tasks.

Writing Foundation 2: Use correct spelling, punctuation, capitalization, grammar and word usage, and good penmanship to complete effectively a variety of writing tasks.

Writing Foundation 6: Write well-organized communications, such as friendly letters, memos and invitations, for a specific audience and with a clear purpose.

In order to evaluate students' writing skills, our state uses the 6 Traits of Writing rubrics.   Click HERE to see my 6 Traits website. The first two yellow stars are the rubrics for K-2 and 3-12.

I was very pleased with the voice the students managed to put into their letters. This is a very difficult job, and they did it beautifully.

Susan Nixon Phoenix, AZ