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Miss Wilson's Class
Clinton Avenue Elementary School
Port Jefferson Station, New York


Bunny Readers – Hopper 5 W’s Poems
By Miss Wilson’s 2nd Graders

Among the large number of bunny books we have read for the Bunny Readers project, we recently completed Hopper and Hopper Hunts for Spring, both by Marcus Pfister. We then created Hopper poems using the 5 W’s – Who is the subject – What is he doing – Where is he doing it – When is he doing it – Why is he doing it. After writing, we illustrated our poems in Marcus Pfister style by using construction paper and colored chalk.


Looks for spring


At night

He looks for a friend

By Billy


Looks for spring



Because he was curious

By Vinny


Looks for spring

In the winter

When he wakes up

Because he is curious

By Jason


Hunts for spring

In the field

During the day

Because he wants a friend

By Dylan


Looks for spring

In a forest

In the snow

Because his Mom told him

By Thomas


Wakes up his friend

In the forest

In the morning

So he can play

By Samantha


Plays with his friends

In the snow

In the morning

Because he likes to play

By Jackie


Looks for spring


In the morning

He wants a new friend

By Laura


Looks for spring

In the woods

In the morning

Because he has nothing to do

By Jake


Looks for spring


In the morning

So he can have a friend

By Kyle


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Looks for spring

In the winter

In the evening

Because he wants to look for spring

By Leanne


Hunts for spring

Outside in a field

Winter near spring

He wants spring

By Derek


Wakes up his friend

In the winter

In the evening

To play

By Christina


Hunts for spring

In a field

On Monday

Because he wants to

By Noah


Looks for food

In the forest

In the evening

Because he was hungry

By Scott


Looks for spring

In the forest

In the morning

Because he wants spring

By Sarah


Looks for his friend

In the snow

When he is bored

Because he has nobody to play with

By Alyssa


Looks for spring

In the woods

In the winter

To find spring

By Brian


Looks for spring

In the cave

In the morning

He wants to look for spring

By Cassie


Looks for spring

In a mole’s tunnel

During the winter

Because he wants to find spring

By Megan


Looks for spring

In the woods

In the morning

Because he was curious

By Lyndsay


Looks for spring

In a forest

In the moring

He’s bored!

By Robert

This project meets the NYS English Language Arts Standards 1 & 2, evident when students:
  • gather and interpret information from children’s books
  • select information appropriate to their purpose and relate ideas from one text to another
  • present information in a variety of written forms
  • select a focus for written presentations
  • observe basic writing conventions
  • use the writing process to produce well-constructed text
  • understand the literary elements of setting, character, plot, and theme
  • create their own poems
  • observe the conventions of grammar and usage, spelling, and punctuation

Assessment for this project was based on class participation, story comprehension and construction of poems, including editing, neatness and following of directions.