Our 2006
Butterfly Project has been significantly enhanced by the use of
computer software, multimedia and principles of UDL. We
endeavored to provide as wide a variety of activities in each
curriculum area as possible. At the heart of our project was an
authentic investigation of painted lady and monarch butterfly
life cycles. We have set 7 Painted Lady Butterflies free and are
"Waiting for Wings" with 10 monarch's chrysalides! Children
wrote songs, poetry, puppet shows, modeled with clay, sketched
and painted. They danced, dramatized and gardened.
also represented their ideas using computer software. ( This was
our FIRST experience with this! It was so exciting!) It is our
belief that the activities and materials were flexible and
developmentally appropriate. We sought to select materials and
activities that respected the diversity of both the cultural and
the diverse learning style of each member of our group. All
children's interests were supported.
The use of
open ended computer software has been an eye opener for all of
us! The children have truly spread their wings and taken flight!
Please visit our
butterfly web
Example #1
a 5 W Poem:
Was shaking
On the grass
Cuz the butterfly wanted to come out and make an egg
Example # 2:
Ronnie's Life Cycle Song
(web master's advise....don't miss this!)
Example #3
Collaborative Kidspiration Life Cycle Diagram
#4 The whole group collaborated on plans for the butterfly
garden which were implemented.

Here is a
picture of children building the stick fence. They dictated
their suggestions to me in word/
Scholastic Keys, and
helped type some of the words as well as choosing the
5: Kathy's Clay Life Cycle Creation

Example #
6 The children collaborated on a
Butterfly Puzzle they created from a picture they
created in KIDPIX.
children's description of their puzzle: " Our puzzle is a
picture we made of butterflies and everything. Look at the
caterpillar on the leaves where the butterfly can lay her
eggs. It sure is a tricky puzzle!"
You can
change the number of puzzle pieces by clicking on "Shapes".
Example #
7: Ryan's sketch. He explained that " There. It is
leaves for caterpillars and there are so many eggs. There is
the "J" and a chrysalis. There is a butterfly and a flower
and that's it."

#8: Butterfly Dramatic Play. The children created a
"garden" in our dramatic play area out of boxes and assorted
materials. It is a place for caterpillars to crawl and
butterflies to sip nectar! We are also still working on a
Power Point presentation which will conclude when a Monarch
emerges. :)

Hope D'Avino-Jennings
(Miss Hope) |