The lifecycle
of the butterfly is part of our kindergarten and first grade
curriculum. Because of this, I used this project as an extension
project for one of my higher level grade 2 students. In
following the UDL model, Travis had the opportunity to approach
the task in the way he wanted. We discussed various options and
he he was interested in learning a new program and chose Power
Travis was
given a set of questions to explore in his research. He selected
various books and videos to study. He was encouraged to look for
butterflies around his yard, or anywhere else he might find
them. He took digital pictures and searched on the web to find
out other information. After doing the research, we had a
conference and discussed some ideas for his Power Point
typed up his findings, inserted digital pictures into his
document, and used the drawing tool to paint his own pictures.
He wrote an introduction to the project.

I worked on a
butterfly project. The first thing I did was I did my research
using a modern biology book and eyewitness book and a few books
Mrs. Nash gave me. The second thing I did was I watched videos
about butterflies. Next I found pictures of butterflies from the
Milwaukee museum that were from when my family went in the
butterfly exhibit three years ago. My sister Cara found some
butterflies and I found a chrysalis at Kletzsch park. Finally I
identified some of the butterflies on the internet with help
from Susan Borkin who works at the museum. I enjoyed working on
this project because I thought it was fun looking at videos and
reading books to type up this powerpoint.
I knew some
of the info from 1st grade but most of it was learned this year
newly. I hope you enjoy my presentation.