Mrs. Goddard's Third Grade Class
Lincoln Elementary School
La Crescenta, California
Chocolate Fever
The Chocolate Touch

We began our project by reading Chocolate Fever by Robert Kimmel Smith and then we read The Chocolate Touch by Patrick Skene Catling. During our reading of these stories a few children mentioned that they did not like chocolate. After we read these books we wanted to know how chocolate is made.

We decided to make a graph of the our favorite type of chocolate. We used The Graph Club 2.0. Here are our results.


Next we made a timeline on chocolate. We made teams of 2 and worked on the steps required in making chocolate. We created our pictures in Kid Pix and used the program Word to put our thoughts on the drawings. Then we put our finished pictures in Timeliner. Then we added sound to our timeline. Here are two finished products from our timeline.


©  Susan Silverman and Marci McGowan 2005