Mrs. Kenyon's Second Grade Looping Class
Crim Elementary School
Bowling Green, Ohio

After reading the story Chocolatina, I rewrote the beginning and end of the story and typed it up in Apple Works. I saved and printed the template for the students to fill out. Then, they chose a food they really liked and created their own “Chocolatina” story. Each student, with the help of a fifth grade buddy, came up with three problem/solutions on their own. Then, the students opened the template in AppleWorks and filled in the blanks (character name / food type) along with typing the middle of the story (their three problem/solutions). Finally, the pages were edited, printed, bound and illustrated.

Here of some samples of the student work. These pages were taken from the middle of each story because they were expected to create their own problems and solutions.

Our first sample is from the story Graleah by Aleah. She wrote about a girl who turned into a grape.

The second sample is from the story Strawbeth by Beth. She wrote about a girl who turned into a strawberry.

Our final example is from Chocolabethan by Ethan. He wrote about a boy who turned into a chocolate bar.

There are many other great examples to view. Check them out on our classroom website  They can be found under the “Spotlight” link.

Thank you again for this wonderful opportunity. The kids really enjoyed working on their writing projects!

©  Susan Silverman and Marci McGowan 2005