Ms. Schulte's Fourth Grade Class
Ellsworth Elementary School
Ellsworth, Kansas
Assorted Books

A Week’s Worth of Chocolate-- I started the year by reading The Chocolate Touch by Patrick Skene Catling followed by Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl. We did a comparison/contrast using a Venn diagram template with Kidspiration. Upon completing Charlie and the Chocolate Factory we studied various character traits of people and determined which characters would make good friends and why; and thus, discussed actions that we ourselves should and shouldn’t do in order to have friends. For English/Reading we read A Chocolate Moose for Dinner by Fred Qwynne and discussed idioms. Each student then created a play on words to illustrate in our own classroom book titled “A Chocolate Witch For Breakfast” To create our class book, each student created one page of a power point using Scholastic Keys Max Show and voice recorded the page and the illustrators. We plan to have this Power point on display at our school’s technology fair

Created in Max Show

This was followed by a brainstorm of all the candy bars we could list-once again using Kidspiration. Students then researched on the Internet the birthdates of each candy bar (Most of these could be found at For Social Studies we discussed elements of a time line, and then created a timeline depicting the order in which candy bars were introduced to society. Ms. Donley’s second grade class, who also signed up to participated in this chocolate study, joined us in creating this time line. The 4th graders were to stress time order words with our second grade study buddies as the time line was constructed by the classes.

M&M day (perfect for Halloween day): Fold construction paper in half. This will make a folder in which to put all M&M papers for the day. Follow the activities in More M&M Math by Barbieri McGrath. On the worksheet of paper-record your guess as to how many M&M’s you think are in your bag of M&M’s. Open your bags of M&M’s and count the total number of M&M’s in your bag. Write this number on your half sheet as well as on the yellow post it note that is on the corner of your desk. Discuss range—largest minus smallest. Students then sort separate M&M’s into colors and make a bar graph by laying them on the M& graph worksheet.

Discuss Pictograph-using pictures rather than columns to make a graph. Make a class pictograph of the color that showed up the most in each package. (I used a circle di-cut and put a small white di-cut “m” to make the circles look like M&M’s.) Each student attached an M&M to the graph depicting the color that showed up the most in their individual packages. Label x & y axis and put on a title.

Discuss a map key-Convert the class pictograph of the most common color of M&M’s to a smaller scale graph using Scholastic Keys Max Count. Show how to do this on projector. Assign students to then convert their pictograph of the color of M&M’s in their individual bags to a smaller scale graph using Max Count. What is the most common color of M&M? Least common color?

Max Count

Max Count

Discuss bar graphs-make a bar graph using the post it notes to make the columns on the graph. Students are to write the number of M&M’s that were in their package on their post it note. Label the x axis and y axis and title. Discuss mode—the number that appears most often depicts the mode of this set of data. Our mode was 56.

As students finish their computer work they can do one of the following activities: On the inside cover of your M&M folder make as many sentences as you can with each word in the sentence beginning with the letter M. (You may use in, of, on, and, with, and off in your sentences) Example: Mary munches M&M’s on Mondays. Complete worksheet titled M&M math—comparisons using >,<,= with individual colors of M&M’s. Complete M&M Brain Teasers WS. Assign students to work on The Checkout Counter was (students complete a purchase order from the m&m on line store and calculate subtotals, shipping charges, and total costs—I have my students use calculators for this assignment) Read Aloud—Have students choose one M&M to eat. Ask students what color they chose and why. Read Dr. Seuss's Many Colored Days book. Discuss how color has an affect on people’s moods and feeling. Discuss color of clothing at a ballgame, funeral, springtime, fall, etc. Science: Students are divided into groups and by using the steps in the scientific process, students must design an experiment to determine if one can taste color. Students must determine a hypothesis, discuss the control variable, explain the steps involved in the process and draw a conclusion from their findings. Students record steps to the experiment on the Kidspiration science experiment template. Upon completion of the experiment template, we published our results with Scholastic Keys Max Write.

Experiment 2—students follow the same steps to answer the following question: “If a plain M&M and a peanut M&M are dropped from the same height at the same time, which one will hit the ground first? Students are graded on how well the steps to the experiment are explained and how well they work together in a group—remember “M&M’s make friends!” Our day concludes with a drink and an M&M treat provided by our room parents.


©  Susan Silverman and Marci McGowan 2005