Mrs. Singer's Second Grade Class
Terryville Elementary School
Port Jefferson Station, New York
More M&M's Chocolate Candies Math

The Students in Mrs. Singer's Class are pretty clever! We were thrilled to join an online collaborative project Chocolate Stories. After our Student Teacher, Miss Keahon read More M&M's Chocolate Candies Math by Barbara Barbieri McGrath, we started talking about slogans. The famous M&M slogan 'Melt in your mouth, not in your hand' was discussed. The students explored the meaning of this saying.

We decided that the world needs a rule book for eating chocolate! Together we brainstormed a list of rules for eating chocolate. Each child created a rule or picked one from our brainstorming session.

Using Scholastic Keys 'Max Show' computer program (the kid friendly version of PowerPoint), the students were shown the directions to making their own slide. Afterwards, each child eagerly produced a slide on 'Max Show'.

Together we had a delicious set of rules for eating chocolate presented in a slide show. Each child read their rule during the Max Show presentation. Students revisited and reread the slide show during Literacy Work board Centers.

Later that afternoon the students made their on chocolates and of course they followed their very own rules.

So now you have it, next time you even think about eating chocolate, remember the rules! Click the Max Show presentation  to begin.   Note:  If you do not have PowerPoint on your computer, click here to download a free PowerPoint viewer. Please visit our class web site to see some photos of our very creative chocolate chefs.

©  Susan Silverman and Marci McGowan 2005