Ms. Zielinski's First Grade Class
River Plaza Elementary
Middletown, New Jersey
Lily's Chocolate Heart


My first grade class read Lily's Chocolate Heart by Kevin Henkes. We discussed why Lily would want to save her chocolate heart. The students arrived at the answer that chocolate is so good and she wants to save it! Agreeing that chocolate is delicious, we taste-tested 3 different types of chocolate treats. We tried chocolate chip cookies, brownies and Hershey bars. Then we voted on our favorite chocolate treat. I used Excel to make the graph since we do not have kid-friendly programs at this time. We then wrote about chocolate. We had to complete the sentence "I wish I could eat chocolate covered ______ because ______." Students then illustrated their work. We shared our ideas about chocolate covered treats with one another.



©  Susan Silverman and Marci McGowan 2005