Amanda's Webfolio


Hello, my name is Amanda.  I like to swim in my pool.  My favorite food is cookie dough icecream.   When I grow up I want to be a principal.

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September 9, 1999

Graphic Organizer
Author Study: Tomie De Paola

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September 17, 1999

The Most Important Poem

Can live in trees
Have one pup a year
Some live in caves
But the most important thing about bats is...
They eat insects.

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October 27, 1999

Friendship Poem

run, friendly, work
playing, jumping, laughing
Rachel is a good friend to me.
My friend

November 17, 1999

My Trip to the Market

One day my classroom turned into a market.  I bartered a lot like I bartered my friend Megan a lot of peanuts for a lollypop.  I also bartered with my friend Philip a lot of pretzels for sweet tarts.  I also bartered with Joseph for a peanut for a Mary Jane.   Everyone wanted a piece of chocolate.  I didn't get one.  This takes place in the story "Saturday Sancocho."  This is a true story and I wrote it.

December 8, 1999

Llama Report

Llamas live in Bolivia, Chile, and Peru.  They eat grasses and leaves.  Llamas also have two toes on each foot.  And here are two interesting facts.  They have wool to keep them warm and could live weeks without any drinks.

December 16, 1999

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Inspired by Jan Brett's book The Mitten

January 5, 2000

Character Poster

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February 4, 2000

Cotton-tail's Big Fight

Once upon a time there was a little rabbit by the name of Cotton-tail.  She was very lost.  So she asked a wizard by the name of Peter to ask directions.  But instead of answering Cotton-tail's question, he just turned Cotton-tail purple!  Cotton-tail just said over and over "How embarrassing" for a whole day.  But then Peter said over and over "How did I do that?"  But by accident he turned himself purple!   So when Cotton-tail came back crying at her house to see Peter, oh and did she laugh!  Peter was very mad at Cotton-tail.  He almost felt like pounding her.   But she is very smart.  When Peter was punching one place, Cotton-tail just went another place.  What a smart rabbit!  It didn't even look like he was a wizard anymore.  It just looked like he was a big steaming pot of lava!  Minutes later Peter blew up!  Cotton-tail was very happy to tell her friends that she defeated a wizard.  Her friends were very happy for her.  So they took her out for a victory ice-cream sundae.  And Cotton-tail lived happily ever after.
The End
Moral:  Don't show off your magic.

March 24, 2000

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April 4, 2000

The Magic Shark

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This is a made-up story about when a shark named Jim was walking down the street.  He went to a magic shop, because he wanted to learn magic tricks.  But suddenly, when he got there, some kind of mean geanie guy named Pete made Jim disappear!  Jim was wondering what was happening.  He said, "I just wanted to get ome magic tricks from this shop."  "You're already magical" said Pete.  Jim said, "What do you mean?"  "I mean that you can do anything you want," said Pete.   Jim was so shocked!  Then he said "Could you turn me back into not being invisible"?  "Sure," said Pete.  On the way home Jim told his friends John and Paul about his magical powers.  They were amazed.

June 4, 2000