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Class and School Sites


There are so many wonderful class and school websites.  Here are some of my favorites.

Teacher's Edition
La Quita Botorf created this delightful site with something for everyone.  How about some music from Titanic or HTML for Dum-Dummies!

The Brainy Bunch
Learn about Johnny Appleseed and then take the quiz.  Read the Space ABC book!   Check out the wonderful stories written by Mrs. Gebauer's students.

Park View Middle School
This is a physical education site.  It has students' poetry about health, a photo gallery, rainy day games and a wonderful page of physical education links.  I was very impressed to say the least! 

Mrs. N. Spires' Web of Life
Nelda is a high school biology teacher that shares information that she gathered while "surfing the net" with educators.  You can feel the love that Nelda has for her students in this lovely site.  Be sure to check out her postcard project for little children!  My students were fortunate to receive some of her biology postcards last year.

Jesse Stuart Elementary School
This website is fantastic!  It is showcases children's work, has online games and a list of outstanding resources for teachers and students.  There is even an excellent web page tutorial.  Take off your shoes, relax and be prepared to spend hours here!