

Age: 13
POrt Jefferson Station
Question: Describe what you see in this cartoon.
That the white man has more money on the top of him than the black women.

Question: How does the cartoonist feel about this issue?
He feels that women should get the same wages as men and black people should get the same amount as whites.

Question: What law or amendment might have changed this situation?
The 14th amendment might have changed this situation.

Age: 13
POrt Jefferson Station
Question: Describe what you see in this cartoon.
That the white man has more money on the top of him than the black women.

Question: How does the cartoonist feel about this issue?
He feels that women should get the same wages as men and black people should get the same amount as whites.

Question: What law or amendment might have changed this situation?
The 14th amendment might have changed this situation.

Eric T.
Age: 14
Port Jefferson Station
Question: Describe what you see in this cartoon.
The cartoon has all symbols representing payday and business.

Question: How does the cartoonist feel about this issue?
They feel women should have equal pay and job opportunities.

Question: What law or amendment might have changed this situation?
The Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Andromahi K.
Age: 14
Port Jefferson Station
Question: Describe what you see in this cartoon.
A man carrying some sort of sack, a woman being taking an oath, and money.

Question: How does the cartoonist feel about this issue?
That women should get paid well for the jobs they do.

Question: What law or amendment might have changed this situation?
The Ninetennth Amendment.

Age: 13
Port Jefferson Station
Question: Describe what you see in this cartoon.
Men and Women getting unequal pay.

Question: How does the cartoonist feel about this issue?
They feel that men are getting more money than women.

Question: What law or amendment might have changed this situation?
The Equal Rights Amendment.

Age: 13
Question: Describe what you see in this cartoon.
I see a woman getting paid less m,oney than a men when they are doing the same job

Question: How does the cartoonist feel about this issue?
That it is not right if a male gets payed more just because of his gender

Question: What law or amendment might have changed this situation?
The equal rights amendment.

nick s.
Age: 14
port jefferson station
Question: Describe what you see in this cartoon.
i see a female witness at a trial and a male politician.

Question: How does the cartoonist feel about this issue?
he believes that women and men are paid unequally

Question: What law or amendment might have changed this situation?
the 19th amendment

Age: 14
Port Jeff Station
Question: Describe what you see in this cartoon.
I see a boss giving paychecks. The man is getting sacks of money and the woman is getting a dollar bill.

Question: How does the cartoonist feel about this issue?
The cartoonist feels that women don't get wages like men do.

Question: What law or amendment might have changed this situation?
The Civil Right Act of 1964 may have changed this situation.

Age: 14
Question: Describe what you see in this cartoon.
A man and a woman being paid different amounts.

Question: How does the cartoonist feel about this issue?
The cartoonist feels that men are getting paid a lot more than women and it isnt fair.

Question: What law or amendment might have changed this situation?
The Equal Pay for Equal work ammendment.

Age: 13
Question: Describe what you see in this cartoon.
womens wages

Question: How does the cartoonist feel about this issue?
that women get less money then men.

Question: What law or amendment might have changed this situation?
civil rights act of 1964

Age: 13
Port Jefferson Station
Question: Describe what you see in this cartoon.
The man in the cartoon looks like he has many sacks of money above him and looks very sucessful. The woman only is receiving $1.

Question: How does the cartoonist feel about this issue?
The cartoonist feels that the women don't recieve the same amount of money as men do. The are not recieving equal wages.

Question: What law or amendment might have changed this situation?
The Equal Pay for Equal Work Amendment.

dennis f.
Age: 14
port jeff station
Question: Describe what you see in this cartoon.
the government has plenty of money and is asking the civilianes who have low money for money

Question: How does the cartoonist feel about this issue?
the government has plenty of money and is asking the civilianes who have low money for money

Question: What law or amendment might have changed this situation?
civil rights act of 1954

Age: 14
port jefferson station
Question: Describe what you see in this cartoon.
The man has more money than the woman.

Question: How does the cartoonist feel about this issue?
The cartoonist feels that everyone should be paid equally.

Question: What law or amendment might have changed this situation?
The Civil Rights Act

Age: 14
Port Jeff. Station
Question: Describe what you see in this cartoon.
I see a man with more money than the woman.

Question: How does the cartoonist feel about this issue?
The cartoonists feels men and women should have equal pay.

Question: What law or amendment might have changed this situation?
The Civil Rights Act of 1964

Age: 14
Port Jefferson sta.
Question: Describe what you see in this cartoon.
Men are getting more money than the women

Question: How does the cartoonist feel about this issue?
There doesn't appear to be an opinion

Question: What law or amendment might have changed this situation?
19th Amendment

Age: 13
Question: Describe what you see in this cartoon.
2 people gettiong paid and the man is getting more than the woman

Question: How does the cartoonist feel about this issue?
they should get paid equal

Question: What law or amendment might have changed this situation?
19th amendment

Age: 14
Question: Describe what you see in this cartoon.
2 people getting paid the man is getting paid more then the woman

Question: How does the cartoonist feel about this issue?
that men and woman should get paid equal pay for equal jobs

Question: What law or amendment might have changed this situation?
19th amendment

Brittany S.
Age: 13
Port Jefferson Station
Question: Describe what you see in this cartoon.
I see a business man getting more money than a black women.

Question: How does the cartoonist feel about this issue?
The cartoonist feels that race and sex shouldn't matter on how much money you make.

Question: What law or amendment might have changed this situation?
Amendment 19

Age: 14
Question: Describe what you see in this cartoon.
That men are getting a hire wage than women that have the same job.

Question: How does the cartoonist feel about this issue?
That men are getting much more money than women

Question: What law or amendment might have changed this situation?
19th amendment

Sidra K.
Age: 14
Question: Describe what you see in this cartoon.
in the cartoon i see that the women is not getting a pay check but the man is.

Question: How does the cartoonist feel about this issue?
the cartoonist feels that women aren't getting the same qualities.

Question: What law or amendment might have changed this situation?
the 19th amendment changed this situation.

Age: 14
Question: Describe what you see in this cartoon.
a politian and an immigrant

Question: How does the cartoonist feel about this issue?
that white amer. men get more money than an immigrant

Question: What law or amendment might have changed this situation?
the 19th amendment

Age: 14
port jefferson staion
Question: Describe what you see in this cartoon.
a politicion and an immigrant

Question: How does the cartoonist feel about this issue?
the white american men earn more money than an immigrant does.

Question: What law or amendment might have changed this situation?
the 19th ammendment

Age: 14
Question: Describe what you see in this cartoon.
the white men get more money

Question: How does the cartoonist feel about this issue?
he /she thinks that white people and black people should get the same pay

Question: What law or amendment might have changed this situation?
civil rights act

Age: 14
Question: Describe what you see in this cartoon.
I see a man holding a bag of money and a lady holding up her hand and above her picture there is one dollar bill

Question: How does the cartoonist feel about this issue?
The cartoonist feels that black people should be allowed to vote and get the same of money as whites.

Question: What law or amendment might have changed this situation?
The Civil Rights Act

Age: 14
Port Jeff Station
Question: Describe what you see in this cartoon.
In this cartoon the man is getting way more money than the women

Question: How does the cartoonist feel about this issue?
he feels that women are getting less wages than men

Question: What law or amendment might have changed this situation?
Civil Rights Act

rostant p.
Age: 15
port jeff
Question: Describe what you see in this cartoon.
polition to women

Question: How does the cartoonist feel about this issue?
white people get more money that black

Question: What law or amendment might have changed this situation?
19 amendment

Age: 13
Port Jefferson
Question: Describe what you see in this cartoon.
I see a white man getting a lot of money for his paycheck and an African American woman getting very little.

Question: How does the cartoonist feel about this issue?
The cartoonists feels that white men get more then African American woman and is angry about it.

Question: What law or amendment might have changed this situation?
The Civil Rights Act is a law that might change this.


Question: Describe what you see in this cartoon.
I see a male receiving bags of money for his paycheck and a female receiving only a dollar for her paycheck yet they seem to have the same social status.

Question: How does the cartoonist feel about this issue?
The cartoonist feels that men are often being paid more than women even though they are said to be equal.

Question: What law or amendment might have changed this situation?
The Civil Rights Act may have changed this situation.

Age: 14
Port Jeff Station
Question: Describe what you see in this cartoon.
i see two politicians one gaining more money then the other (man is getting more money)

Question: How does the cartoonist feel about this issue?
I feel that women are getting less money for the same jobs and it is unjust

Question: What law or amendment might have changed this situation?
the 19th amendment changed the situation

Kevin I.
Age: 13
Port Jeff Station
Question: Describe what you see in this cartoon.
I see that men got alot more money than women did.

Question: How does the cartoonist feel about this issue?
He feels that women should have equal pay as men.

Question: What law or amendment might have changed this situation?
The 19th amendment might have changed this.

Age: 14
Port Jeff Sta.
Question: Describe what you see in this cartoon.
It is payday and the man is geting paid bags of money while the women is only gettin one dollar.

Question: How does the cartoonist feel about this issue?
Men and women should get equal pay.

Question: What law or amendment might have changed this situation?
The womens rights movement helped change this situation.


Question: Describe what you see in this cartoon.
a man with tons of money compared to a woman with low money

Question: How does the cartoonist feel about this issue?
women should be equal to men

Question: What law or amendment might have changed this situation?
womens rights movement


Question: Describe what you see in this cartoon.
the white male is being paid a lot more money than the black lady.

Question: How does the cartoonist feel about this issue?
he thinks that black women are not paid as much as white males.

Question: What law or amendment might have changed this situation?
the civil rights movement.

Age: 14
Port Jeff Sta.
Question: Describe what you see in this cartoon.
It is payday and a man is geting bags of money while the women is only getting one dollar.

Question: How does the cartoonist feel about this issue?
The cartoonist feels that the man and women should get equal pay.

Question: What law or amendment might have changed this situation?
The Womens Rights Movement might have helped change this.

Rafael H.
Age: 14
Port Jeff Sta.
Question: Describe what you see in this cartoon.
men were payed more money then women in this time.

Question: How does the cartoonist feel about this issue?
that this is injusticy and someone should do something about it.

Question: What law or amendment might have changed this situation?
the 19th amendment that gave women there equal rights.

Rich M
Age: 14
port jeff sta
Question: Describe what you see in this cartoon.
I see a white male person in government and a black female person and the white guy is getting much more money

Question: How does the cartoonist feel about this issue?
They think that it is unfair

Question: What law or amendment might have changed this situation?
civil right act of 1964

Age: 14
Question: Describe what you see in this cartoon.
its payday and the white guy is getting paid more then the black woman

Question: How does the cartoonist feel about this issue?
they think that its unfair

Question: What law or amendment might have changed this situation?
civil rights act of 1964

Age: 13
port jefferson station
Question: Describe what you see in this cartoon.
women not being payed as much as men

Question: How does the cartoonist feel about this issue?
the cartoonist feels they deserve paychecks

Question: What law or amendment might have changed this situation?
ammendment 27

Age: 13
port jeff sta.
Question: Describe what you see in this cartoon.
woman at the womens right convention

Question: How does the cartoonist feel about this issue?
he feels women should have more rights

Question: What law or amendment might have changed this situation?
the 18th amendment

Rebecca H.
Age: 13
Port Jeff. Station
Question: Describe what you see in this cartoon.
I see a man reading a women what she has to do while in this ploitical position,while the women is listening and agreeing to them.

Question: How does the cartoonist feel about this issue?
They feel that women are finally getting the equal rights they deserve.

Question: What law or amendment might have changed this situation?
The amendment is amendment 19

Joseph O
Age: 14
Question: Describe what you see in this cartoon.
Men are getting paid more then woman.

Question: How does the cartoonist feel about this issue?
The cartoonist thinks it is wrong.

Question: What law or amendment might have changed this situation?
The Equal Rights Amendment.

Age: 13
port jefferson station
Question: Describe what you see in this cartoon.
Some one reading their rights while being sworn into a political position

Question: How does the cartoonist feel about this issue?
women dont get fair wages

Question: What law or amendment might have changed this situation?
Womens rights movement