The three boys made their way down to the basketball court with their heads up high until they heard a noise. 

Ring! Ring!  ICE CREAM MAN! 

The boys started running to the truck, but Andrew remembered his basketball this time.  Just as they were going to request their usual orders, they heard a husky  voice creep up behind them. 

“Ice-cream is on us today little guys,” said a member of the Bike Gang.  “That really wasn’t cool what we did to your bike.  You guys were just being kids having fun in the park until we had to cause all of these conflicts for no good reason.” 

Then another member of the Bike Gang chimed in, “Well, because were the Bike Gang, we can’t say we’re sorry or buy you a new tire, but we’ll buy you each an ice cream.

The boys ate their ice-cream and smiled at each other.  Knowing this was an adventure and a great lesson that they would never forget.    

Petey P
Petey P
Mad Max
Mad Max
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