Mrs. Bennett's Second Grade Class
Assisted by Wayne Osborn, Library Media Specialist
Hillside Elementary School
Fort Lewis, Washington

Mrs. Bennett’s 2nd grade class really enjoyed sharing our ideas of things we are thankful for in the Internet project Fall into Autumn. After reading the book What Happens in the Autumn by Suzanne Venino, we brainstormed things we were thankful for coming to the conclusion these were nouns we could sort into the 4 basic categories (people, places, things, and ideas). Our teacher modeled writing things she was thankful for on a paper template. Then working with a partner, we began to create our own list of things we were thankful for. After it was edited by our teacher we used the software program Kidspiration 2. We used it to recreate our list of things we were thankful for, adding clip art to go along with each topic.

The following Washington State Essential Academic Learning Requirements are supported by this project:

 Communication, Benchmark 1:

To meet this standard, students will:

1.1: Focus attention

1.2: Listen and observe to gain and interpret information

 Communication, Benchmark 2:

To meet this standard, students will:

2.2: Develop content and ideas

2.5: Effectively use action, sound, and/or images to support presentations


Writing, Benchmark 1:

To meet this standard, students will:

1.1: The student writes clearly and effectively

1.2. The student writes in a variety of forms for different audiences and purposes

 The Arts, Benchmark 1:

To meet this standard, students will:

3.1: The student uses the arts to express present ideas and feelings

3.2: The student uses the arts to communicate for a specific purpose

 The following National Educational Technology Standards are supported by this project:

 Basic operations and concepts

Ø      Students are proficient in the use of technology.

 Technology productivity tools

Ø      Students use technology tools to enhance learning, increase productivity, and promote creativity.

 Technology communications tools

Ø      Students use a variety of media and formats to communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences.

© Patricia Knox & Susan Silverman - Fall Into Autumn 2004