For our apple unit,
we read the following books: Ten Apples Up On Top! by
Theo LeSieg, Apples by Gail Gibbons, The Seasons of
Arnold’s Apple Tree by Gail Gibbons, How Do Apples Grow?
By Betsy Maestro, Johnny Appleseed by Patricia Demuth
and Johnny Appleseed by Steven Kellogg. Our class brought
in apples to make applesauce. Using the apples we graphed the
colors of the apple, the number of seeds in the apples (First we
made a prediction of how many seeds.), and our favorite type of
apple food (whole apple, juice or applesauce). We used
Graph Club for graphing.
We also made pictures of apple trees and Johnny Appleseed using
Microsoft Paint.
Carolina Curriculum Standards:
B. Life Cycles of Organisms
1. Plants
have life cycles. The details of the life cycle are different
for different organisms.
a. Observe and communicate the growth and development a variety
of plants from seeds.
b. Recognize that fruits and nuts come from flowers.
1) Use input
devices (e.g., mouse, keyboard, remote, control) and output
devices (e.g., monitor, printer) to successfully operate
computers, VCRs, audiotapes, and other technologies 8) Create
developmentally appropriate multimedia products with support
from teachers, family members, or student partners.
B. Generate
questions, collect data, organize and display information, and
interpret findings.
1 The student will read and interpret information displayed in a
picture, object or bar graph using the vocabulary: more, less,
fewer, greater than, and less than.
2 The student will construct picture, bar, and object graphs.