Mrs. Madden's Second Grade Class
Blythe Academy
Greenville, South Carolina

We began our study of autumn by reading books about the season, such as The Fall of Freddy the Leaf and Autumn: an alphabet acrostic. The acrostic book increased our curiosity of poetry. We began a poetry study in our classroom and students wrote many types of poems. We wrote Autumn Haikus as we learned about syllables. Students published their haikus using Kidspiration software.

Click HERE to download the Kidspiration template for the above activities.

As the season continued, we began to notice changes around our own community. We began observing trees and nature to see what signs of autumn we could find. Students then completed another Kidspiration activity to show signs of the four seasons - summer, spring, winter, and fall.

Click HERE to download this Four Seasons template.

As Thanksgiving approached, students were ready to add another poem to their poetry collection. Students began this writing experience by using a prewriting graphic organizer in Kidspiration.

Click HERE to download the Thankful template.

Students then typed their poems in the computer lab using Microsoft Word. The template students used for this project was created using the Form Toolbar in Microsoft Word, so that students could easily type in the part of the poem that they wrote in one computer lab session.

Click HERE to download this Microsoft Word Template.

This project met the following South Carolina standards:

 Language Arts:


Continue using graphic representations such as charts, graphs, pictures, and graphic organizers as information sources and as a means of organizing information and events logically.


Continue identifying the characteristics of genres such as fiction, poetry, drama, and informational texts.


Demonstrate the ability to choose a topic and generate ideas and use oral and written prewriting strategies.


A. Process Skills

 1.      Observe

a.    Use the senses to gather information about objects or events such as size, shape, color, texture, sound, position, and change (qualitative observations).

 B.     Changes in Earth and Sky

 1.    Weather changes from day to day and over the seasons.

a.    Record weather observations pictorially.

b.   Name and describe the seasons.

c.    Describe how seasonal changes may affect plants and animals.


Technology communications tools

·         Students use telecommunications to collaborate, publish, and interact with peers, experts, and other audiences.

·         Students use a variety of media and formats to communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences.


© Patricia Knox & Susan Silverman - Fall Into Autumn 2004