Ms. Peterson's First Grade Class
Nipomo Elementary School
Nipomo, California

I read the class three books. After each book we made a graph using the Kidspiration 2 activities below.  I also created a custom library of student pictures and some custom symbols using that new feature of Kidspiration 2. To complete the graph the students came to the computer and dragged their picture onto their favorite item. (Note: You need a fair amount of RAM to handle having so many photos on the screen.)

First we read and discussed Apples by Gail Gibbons and we tasted three apples (red, green, and yellow). The students indicated their favorite ones. We also did a Four Square write describing the apples we had tasted. We also read Pumpkin, Pumpkin by Jeanne Titherington and graphed our favorite kind of jack o lantern face. We'll be doing a directed art lesson on pumpkins later this week. Finally we read Apples and Pumpkins by Anne Rockwell, discussed different uses of apples and pumpkins, then tasted apple pie and pumpkin pie before completing our last favorites graph.

Click HERE to download this as a Kidspiration 2 apple file

If you have Kidspiration Version 1 click HERE

Click HERE to download this as a Kidspiration 2 pie file
If you have Kidspiration Version 1 click HERE

Click HERE to download this as a Kidspiration 2 pumpkin faces file
If you have Kidspiration Version 1 click HERE

State Standard addressed: Graphs: Represent/Compare The learner will be able to make representations and/or comparisons of data using various types of graphs (picture, graph, tally)

© Patricia Knox & Susan Silverman - Fall Into Autumn 2004