We created two teams. One team surveyed
each other about their favorite fall activities. The other team
surveyed one another about their favorite fall holidays. In
their teams, students recorded their data. Students then used
The Graph Club 2.0 to transfer their data into picture, line,
bar, and pie graphs.
Favorite Things About Autumn
Note: Since The Graph Club only allows for
11 characters, we had to use the following abbreviations:
Pumpkin pkn=Pumpkin picking/Apple pckng=Apple picking
Note: Since The Graph Club only allows for
11 characters, we had to use the following abbreviations:
Thnksgvng=Thanksgiving/Veteran’s=Veteran’s Day/Columbus=Columbus
New York State Learning Standards
English Language Arts
Standard 2: As speakers and writers, students will use oral and
written language that follows the accepted conventions of the
English language for self-expression and artistic creation.
Mathematics, Science, and
Standard 2: Students will access, generate, process and transfer
information using appropriate technologies.