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Mrs. Farrell's Class
Greenwood Elementary School
Grade 1
Kennett Square, Pennsylvania

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The Jacket I Wear In the Snow
by Shirley Neitzel

The animals don't have to worry about how to dress in different seasons but we do!


In Winter it would be silly to wear shorts, short sleeve shirt and a tank top.

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Kyle, Martin & Gary

In Summer it would be silly to wear a hat, gloves, and snowpants.

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Michael, Samantha & Bianca.

In Winter it would be silly to wear a Teeshirt, sandals and shorts.

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By: Colin & Eric

In Summer it would be silly to wear snowpants, a long sleeve shirt and snow boots.

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By Cristy, Cathy & Jacob

In Summer it would be silly to wear a sweater, scarf and jacket.

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By Pamela, Mayra & Jaclyn

In Summer it would be silly to wear a sweater, jacket and hat.

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By: Morgan, Chelsey, Hilary & Avery

In Winter it would be silly to wear a tank top, shorts and sandals.

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By:Marc, Bradley & Jake