Greenberg's Class Brave
Irene |
The First Graders are learning about Kindness and Justice and character builders that everyone should try and have. One of these character builders is Courage and Bravery. We decided to choose Brave Irene by William Steig as our book to learn more about courage. We read the book and talked about how hard it was for Irene to fight the wind and the snow so that she could get the gown her mother made to the Duchess. It is hard for us to be brave and have courage but we are learning. We decided to share our acts of Courage and Bravery that we have experienced in our own lives. | |
I was brave when I had my appendix
out. I had courage. It was scary. I was in a bed in the hospital. By BENJI |
I was brave to try a fish stick.
I was brave to try cabbage. By CYNTHIA |
I was brave when I was with my next
door neighbor. Some strangers were walking past the window. I was a little scared but I
controlled myself. By SOPHIA |
When I had a nightmare, I was brave. I told my
brain not to be scared. By MATTHEW |
I was brave when I fell on my head. I
did not cry. By SAM |
I went to the dentist. It was scarey.
I had courage when he put scary tools in my mouth. By MADDIE |
I was brave when I got a shot. I got hurt when
I fell off the monkey bars. By DIANA |
I almost broke my arm but I was brave by trying
not to think about it. By TOBY |
I was brave when the ball hit me in
the mouth. By ALEX |
I was brave when I swam in the ocean
with big waves. I was brave when I dived in by myself. By JACKSON |
It was my first day of school at Parker. I was
scared but it was okay. My friends helped me. By BRETT |
I was brave when I got my finger caught in my
car door. I was brave when I had a blister. I fell and it popped. It got better. By CATHERINE |
I broke my arm and I went to the hospital to
get an x-ray. It hurt but I still went with it. By GRACE |
I was brave when a TV fell on me. My foot was
swollen and I had a black eye. I was brave because I tried to put up with it. By SAMANTHA |
I was brave when I got stitches. I was
only 2. I was jumping on the couch. I went to Children's Memorial Hospital. By JAYMIE |
I was brave when I went to the doctor
when I had to get a shot. ByWOODY |
I had courage when I popped a muscle. It really
hurt and I had to go to the doctor but I wasn't afraid. By JOEY |
I was brave when I got a filling. It hurt and I
couldn't eat food. By LINDSAY |
I was brave because I got hurt. I had
courage when I got a shot. I was brave when I got stitches. By MASON |
I was brave when a TV fell on me. It
felt bad. I got 12 stictches. By MARIAH |
I was at my first haircut. I was
scared. I cried a lot. But I stayed for the whole time and I got a lollipop at the end. I
had courage. I was brave. By STEVEN |
When I got my finger stuck in the door I was brave, even though it really hurt. I stayed through it. By NATE |
I was brave when I had to play my violin in
front of a lot of people. It was very scary but it was fun too. By LAURA |
I was brave when it was my first day of school.
I was shy. I knew I had to be brave so I was ! By
Because you are an adult doesn't me it isn't hard to be brave and have courage. Being brave asks you to stand up to things that you fear. Having courage means to move forward even if it is risky or hurtful. Remember that we all need to be brave and have courage if we are to be a total person. The good thing about this is that we have each other to hold on to, to help us get through. By Mrs. Greenberg |
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I was brave when I went skiing. I told my self
- "Be Brave." By NICHOLAS |