Frosty Readers

- Literature Appreciation
- Develop Language Skills
- Showcase student work on the World Wide Web
- Foster creativity and imagination
- Develop higher level of thinking skills
Recommended For Students:
Grades 1-3
Technology Foundation Standards for Students
1. Basic operations and concepts
2. Social, ethical, and human issues
3. Technology productivity tools
4. Technology communications tools
New York State Learning Standards:
English Language Arts
Standard 1: Language for Information and Understanding
As speakers and writers, they will use oral and written language that follows the accepted
conventions of the English language to acquire, interpret, apply, and transmit
Standard 2: Language for
Literary Response and Expression
As speakers and writers, students will use oral and written language that follows the
accepted conventions of the English language for self-expression and artistic creation.
Standard 3: Students will
listen, speak, read, and write for critical analysis and evaluation.
Standard 4: Language for
Social Interaction
Students will listen, speak, read, and write for social interaction.
Every participating class will be assigned a book
with a winter theme. Teachers are welcome to choose a winter book that is not on the list.
Students will do some of the listed activities and have their work published on a website.
Each class is invited to submit some illustrations and photographs. The class
URL or e-mail address will be posted on the page.
All materials are due by January 31, 1999. The
site will be up around March 1 and will remain posted to be used as a resource for
teachers and students.
Number of Participants:
There will be a separate page for twenty-five
participating classes. Only one class per school may participate in this project.
Suggested Activities:
- Author Study- Research the author and write a
report. Include a bibliography and/or URL.
- Write a book review.
- Create a new ending for the story.
- Interview some of the characters in the book.
- Rewrite the story as a play.
- Write a poem about the book or a character in it.
- Create a diorama. It may be photographed and
submitted for the website.
- Make a group mural of the story and photograph it.
- Create a Venn Diagram.
- Photograph a puppet show or illustrate it.
- Write a paragraph about your favorite or least
favorite book character.
- Feel free to add to this list.
Project Coordinator:
Susan Silverman
Clinton Avenue Elementary School
Port Jefferson Station
New York, 11776
How to register:
Please provide the following information
- Your name
- Your e-mail address and URL
- Your school name, town, and state
- Your school phone number
Previous Projects coordinated
by Susan Silverman:
An Apple A Day
A Winter Wonderland
Stellaluna's Friends
Pumpkin Patch