Mrs. Berner's First Grade Class
Osage Hills School
Bartlesville, Oklahoma


The children  have just finished reading "Chubby Snowman" by Hitomi Kuroki.  We talked about the characters and settings of the story. Students then drew a picture from the story and told what they thought was the most important part. At the computer lab, they played the snowflake matching game and then used "Drawing for Children" to create a"Snow Picture" Here are some of the hand drawings.

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Austin says that the snowman is very big and fat.

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Cherish thinks the snowman is so cool!

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Katie: The boy is saying, "Now don’t leave without telling us."

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Ciera says: "I think the chubby snowman was fun. It was a good story. Snowmen are cool!"

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Sabrina writes: "This picture is about a snowman. The kids are falling down."

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Matthew thinks the part where the snowman had on a hat was cool.

Our Video Chubby Snowman

Our Video Winter Day

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