Ms. Ponton's First Grade Class
Riverdale Elementary School
Orlando, Florida
When It Starts to Snow


Greeting From Ponton’s Pond!
For Frosty Readers 2002, we read the book When It Starts to Snow by Phillis Gershator. It tells about what animals do when it gets really cold outside. After reading and enjoying the book these are the things we did:

First, we made a list of the words in the story that rhyme with snow.
We discovered:
*not all words that end in -ow rhyme with snow
*not all words that rhyme with snow end in -ow
Here are the words we found that rhyme with snow!

low row go
slow crow hoe
blow grow toe
flow sparrow know
below window glow

Next, we discussed and listed  each animal in the story and noted
what they did when it started to snow.

The children worked individually or in pairs to write
about an animal, using the pattern from the story and a 5 W’s Poem.
They had the task of researching what their animal does
in the winter. They discovered that some animals sleep for most of the the winter (hibernate), some go south where it is warm (migrate) and others just stick it out in the snow! We hope you enjoy our writing and illustrations.

"I like to dig down deep
in the mud and keep
warm", says the frog,
“when it starts to
snow that's where
I go"

in the mud 
in a lake
it's winter.
"I will build a lodge
in the water out of
sticks", says the beaver.
"It will keep me warm
all winter."

uses sticks
to make a dam
in the fall
on the lake
to sleep in all winter.
"I stay where it is
warm. I go in the barn and wait until spring",
says the horse. "That's
where I stay when it
starts to snow."

keeps warm
in the barn
when it snows
because it is cold outside.
"I will find a nice
hole in the ground,
when it starts to snow",
says snake.
"I don't like it cold!"

in a hole
because it's too cold for snakes.
"I stay in the
mud all winter",
says the turtle.
"I'm a reptile and
reptiles don't like it cold."

in the mud
all winter
because they are reptiles.
"I will stay warm
in my den made
of rocks", says the fox.
"I will come out when
it gets warm again."

Red Fox
stays warm
in a den
with his family
because it is snowing.
"I cuddle in my
cocoon", says butterfly.
"I will come out
in the spring
when it gets warm."

in a cocoon
in a bush
in winter
waiting for spring.
"I will hunt for food",
says the wolf. "I will
live in my den and
feed my cubs. I don't
need to sleep all winter."

keeps warm
in a den
in the forest
because that's what wolves do.
"I will fly south,"
says the robin. "I migrate when it starts to snow."

flies south
for the winter
to Florida
because they will freeze.

Florida State Standards
L.A.A.1.1.2 The student recognizes and orally produces combination sounds; diphthongs, and digraphs.
L.A.A.1.1.4 The student recalls and retells details and events using key vocabulary.
L.A.A.2.1.1 The student determines main idea or essential message and identifies supporting information.

L.A.E.2.1.1 Students uses personal perspective in responding to a work of literature such as relating characters and simple events in a story to people or events in their own life.

L.A.B.1.1.1. The student refines previously learned knowledge and skills
L.A.B.2.1.2 The student refines previously learned knowledge and skills of basic writing with increasingly
complex assignments and tasks.
L.A.B.2.1.4 The student names and recognizes punctuation (quotation marks).

F. The student knows that animals have adaptations that help them survive in their environments.

© Patricia Knox & Susan Silverman - Frosty Readers 2002 - All Rights Reserved