Mrs. Ahlbrecht's Second Grade Class
Robert Frost Elementary School
Sioux Falls
South Dakota

Snowmen at Night

We started this project in our writing class by looking at the pictures in Snowmen at Night. Mrs. Ahlbrecht covered up all of the author�s words with sticky notes. We looked only at the pictures. On the first page, our class shared their ideas about what was happening in the story. Everything we said was typed on the SmartBoard. Our sentences were really mixed up. Some people said the same thing in a different way.
 Our story needed work. We took turns using the SmartBoard pens to add adjectives to help the reader get a picture in his mind. Sometimes we moved the sentences around so that they made more sense. Since we had done this writing on the computer, it was easy to clean it up and publish the first page of our story.
 Our writing time each day was used to write our own version of Snowmen At Night. Some days we worked as a whole class and other days we worked by ourselves. We only worked on one picture page a day, so writing this story took us about two weeks. It was fun using the carets and pens to �wedge� in adjectives after our first draft was finished each day. After a few days, we started using adjectives as we were writing the story. Every child has their own copy of the class pages with their own pages inserted in order. The pages the class wrote were published with the ZBManuscript Grid font. The pages the students wrote on their own were a combination of handwritten or typed.
 The science unit on �Solids, Liquids, and Gases� started a little early this year. We had a beautiful snowfall that was begging an observation study of snow snowflakes. Excitement was high when the students entered the room that January day. It was our first snowfall of the season and we were not used to waiting that long for snow in South Dakota.
We collected ice cream buckets of fresh, clean snow and brought them in the classroom to make predictions, observe, record, and discover what would actually happen compared to what we thought would happen. What a surprise we had!
 In language arts, we read the story of Snowflake Bentley. First we read the fiction story and then we went back and read the nonfiction story. At recess, we took out black construction paper and magnifying glasses to catch and study snowflakes like Wilson Bentley did when he was a boy.
The students wrote their own acrostic and cinquain snow poetry. They used their keyboarding skills to do their own publishing in Microsoft Word. Our district technology standards for word processing requires the students to do the following at the beginner or emergent level:
We hope you enjoy our products.


� Patricia Knox & Susan Silverman - Frosty Readers 2005