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    Story Writing : Frosty Readers 2005

    Teacher Name: Ms. Kreul

    Student Name:     ________________________________________

Writing Process
Student devotes a lot of time and effort to the writing process (prewriting, drafting, reviewing, and editing). Works hard to make the story wonderful.
Student devotes sufficient time and effort to the writing process (prewriting, drafting, reviewing, and editing). Works and gets the job done.
Student devotes some time and effort to the writing process but was not very thorough. Does enough to get by.
Student devotes little time and effort to the writing process. Doesn't seem to care.
The story contains many creative details and/or descriptions that contribute to the reader's enjoyment. The author has really used his imagination.
The story contains a few creative details and/or descriptions that contribute to the reader's enjoyment. The author has used his imagination.
The story contains a few creative details and/or descriptions, but they distract from the story. The author has tried to use his imagination.
There is little evidence of creativity in the story. The author does not seem to have used much imagination.
Original illustrations are detailed, attractive, creative and relate to the text on the page.
Original illustrations are somewhat detailed, attractive, and relate to the text on the page.
Original illustrations relate to the text on the page.
Illustrations are not present OR they are not original.
Spelling and Punctuation
There are no spelling or punctuation errors in the final draft. Character and place names that the author invented are spelled consistently throughout.
There is one spelling or punctuation error in the final draft.
There are 2-3 spelling and punctuation errors in the final draft.
The final draft has more than 3 spelling and punctuation errors.

Date Created: February 04, 2005

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