Ms. Wasserman's First Grade Class
 King Edward School
Edmonton, Alberta

The Snowy Day

We read the story The Snowy Day and discussed favourite activities. We did a shared writing about two children playing in the snow. The emphasis was on story structure. The children then made their own "snowy day" books using a beginning, middle, end format. I entered their stories and they used the paint program to illustrate them. This was their first time using paint. We also used a thinking map (a brace map) on Kidspiration to organize types of winter clothes. We are still working on these.

The children had great fun with this project. We have snow here for many months and schools are NEVER closed because of weather. We often have indoor recesses when it is too cold for outdoor play. It was easy for us to relate to the snow theme!

Our Story

One day Casey and Nicky rushed out of bed. They looked out the window. It was snowing. Casey and Nicky went sledding on the hill. They made the snow into blocks. Then they built a snow fort.

-By Hasea

One day two kids jumped out of bed. They looked out the window and saw the snow. So they got dressed. They went outside and went sledding and made a fort. The snow felt cold. They clumped it. It looked like an igloo. It was warm inside. Then they went back inside and had hot chocolate! Then they went for a nap. They slept and slept till 3:00. They woke up. And had hot chocolate.

-by Noah

One day the kids got up to look that the snow had fallen. They got dressed. They got on snowpants and jackets. They went outside to play. They got the sled and went sledding. They made the snow into blocks. Then they built a snow fort.

-by Brady

One day Tim and Jimmy ran out of bed and looked out the window. One day Tim and Jimmy they went tobogganing and they yelled, Wheee. And they went back inside and went to the closet and then they returned the sled. And they sipped hot chocolate.

- By Vangi

One day two children ran out of bed and they looked out of the window to see the snow has fallen over night. Sam and Hasea went outside. Then they went sledding 18 times. Then they went inside. After they went out they made a snow fort. Then they looked for 20 toys to put in the fort. Then they played with them. Then they went inside and brought the toys inside too.

-By Quinn

One day there were two children. They jumped out of bed and they looked out of the window and got dressed. They went outside and it was cold and they went sledding and built a snowman. They build a snow fort and went skating. It was fun. Crunch, crunch went the snow as Bill walked up the hill. They went zipping down the hill. Then they went inside and had hot chocolate.

- by Tristan

� Patricia Knox & Susan Silverman - Frosty Readers 2005