Ms. Crane
Legend Springs School
Glendale, Arizona


Our class is studying animals that live in the zoo in preparation for our zoo trip. The children all brought in small stuffed animals or beanie babies that might live in a zoo. We then brain-stormed ways we could graph the animals. First we graphed them by type of animal, but there were many categories. Second we graphed them by color and that worked much better. The children decided that the categories would be: animals with black on them, animals with grey on them and animals with brown on them. This gave us 3 categories. Next we put them all on our real graph one at a time then we brain-stormed 3 questions we could also people about our graph. We took photos of our graph and a photo of the entire class with their animals.

1.  Which color has the most animals?

grey black brown


2. Which color has the least animals?

black brown grey


3.  Which color has 6 animals?

  brown black grey