Cookie's Week by Cindy Ward

Our class read the book Cookie’s Week, written by Cindy Ward and illustrated by Tomie dePaola. After learning about the months of the year, we wrote a new book patterned after it that we called Cookie’s Year.

Cookie’s Year By Mrs. Burrell’s Class

In January, Cookie ran into a snowman. There were carrots and buttons everywhere!

 In February, Cookie slipped down a mail chute. Valentines went everywhere!

In March, Cookie got tangled up in some kite strings. There were mad kids everywhere!

 In April, Cookie took a bath in a mud puddle. There was mud everywhere!

In May, Cookie played in the garden. There were flowers everywhere!

 In June, Cookie fell into the swimming pool. Water was everywhere!

 In July, Cookie got scared by some fire works. Cookie ran everywhere!

In August, Cookie jumped into the picnic basket. Food went everywhere!

 In September, Cookie jumped into a backpack. Crayons, glue, and scissors went everywhere!

 In October, Cookie scared some trick-or-treaters. There were kids everywhere!


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