Mrs. Goudie's First Grade
Rhoda Maxwell Elementary School
Woodland, California

Five Little Ducks by Raffi

Our first grade class decided to adapt the Raffi song (and book) Five Little Ducks. We had so much fun. First we brainstormed what animals we could use for the story other than the ducks. We considered- red horses, brown cows, yellow ducks and grey elephants. The vote was taken and yellow ducks were chosen.

Next we brainstormed where the ducks could go (and get into trouble). We considered- a deep dark cave, up and tree in a forest, in a pond on a farm, at the zoo and to a school. The students liked the deep dark cave.

We then considered what creatures the ducks might encounter in the deep dark cave. Our final choices were- a hungry bear, a black widow spider, one duck would get lost all night, a duck would fall into a deep hole and one would get bitten by a rattlesnake.

Mrs. Goudie typed out the story, one verse on each page. All students chose a page to illustrate. Each student wanted their own copy, so the pages were duplicated then they were bound.

The next day we had so much fun reading the story out loud to our classmates.

Here is the story for you to enjoy!

Five yellow ducks went out one day,
over the hills and into a cave.
One yellow duck was eaten by a bear.
When Mama duck said, "quack, quack, quack"
only four little ducks came back.

Four yellow ducks went out one day,
over the hills and into a cave.
One yellow duck fell into a hole.
When Mama duck said, "quack, quack, quack"
only three yellow ducks came back.

Three yellow ducks went out one day,
over the hills and into a cave.
One yellow duck was bitten by a snake.
When Mama duck said, "quack, quack, quack"
only two yellow ducks came back.

Two yellow ducks went out one day,
over the hills and into a cave.
One yellow duck was lost all night.
 When Mama duck said, "quack, quack, quack"
 only one yellow duck came back.

One yellow duck went out one day,
over the hills and into a cave.
One yellow duck was bitten by a black widow spider.
When Mama duck said, "quack, quack, quack"
no little ducks came back.

Poor mother duck was so sad.
She went over the hills and into the cave.
Mother duck YELLED, "quack, quack, quack"
 and all her babies came running back.



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