Mrs. Price's First Grade Class
Cheyenne Traditional School
Scottsdale, Arizona

A House is a House for Me by Mary Ann Hoberman

First graders love to hear stories with predictable language and places where they can join in the reading of the book. The story A House is a House for Me by Mary Ann Hoberman is just such a story. I read aloud this book each year to my first graders. In the story, the author shares the wide possibilities as to what a “house” can be in our world. Examples are: “A mitten is a house for my hand” and “A web is a house for a spider.” Invariably, my students are eager to contribute more ideas as to what a house can be. This year we brainstormed ideas, made a class list, and then each child chose a favorite from the list to illustrate. The next step was, of course, to bind their work into a classroom book for us to read all year long.

Here are the ideas my students came up with. Enjoy!

A piggy bank is a house for money.

 Heaven is a home for angels.

A school is a house for children.

A fishbowl is a house for fish.

The sky is a house for clouds.

 A mouth is a house for toothpaste.

 A garage is a house for my skateboard.

 An anthill is a house for ants.

A mailbox is a house for mail.

 A mother is a house for a baby.

A laundry room is a house for my cat.

 A wallet is a house for money.

A suitcase is a house for clothes.

My face is a house for glasses.

A plane is a house for a pilot.

A gumball machine is a house for gumballs.

A heart is a house for love.

A calendar is a house for days.

 A rainbow is a house for a pot of gold.

A heart is a house for blood.

A doghouse is a house for a dog.

 A refrigerator door is a house for lots of magnets.

A cave is a house for a bat.

A book is a house for information.

 A finger is a house for a ring.


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