Mrs. Sullivan's Second Grade Class
Lillian Feinstein School
Providence, Rhode Island

Caps for Sale by  Esphyr Slobodkina

We enjoyed the story Caps for Sale as a Read Aloud in our class. When we filled in a story map we discovered that only one of the cap peddler’s problems had been solved. At the end of the story he still had not sold any caps and he was still hungry. So we decided to add on to the end of the story to see if we could come up with a way to solve his problem.

 Story Map


The cap peddler and the monkeys.


In the town and in the country.


1. He didn’t sell any caps so he didn’t have any money. He was hungry.

2. The monkeys took his caps.



2. The monkeys copied the peddler. They threw down the caps. The peddler put the caps back on his head.

Caps For Sale (Part 2)


          The cap peddler picked up all the caps and put them on top of his head. Very slowly he walked toward the town, calling, “Caps! Caps for Sale! Fifty cents a cap!”


           The monkeys noticed that the peddler seemed sad and tired. They jumped down from the tree and followed him. The peddler stopped and looked at the monkeys. Then he gave each one of the monkeys a cap. Again he started walking slowly into town. The monkeys followed him, dancing and tossing the caps into the air. As they walked the peddler called out, “Caps! Caps for Sale! Fifty cents a cap!”


          When they entered the town all the people came out of their houses. They were yelling and laughing.


“Give me a red cap!” said a man.

“I want a blue cap for my son!” said a woman.

“I have fifty cents. I’ll buy a cap!” yelled a young man.


All the people of the town started yelling, “Give me one!” “I’ll buy a cap, too! I want a cap!”


Soon the peddler had sold all of his caps. Every day the monkeys helped him and he always sold all the caps he had. He bought a house, invited the monkeys to come live with him, and always gave them bananas for dinner.


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