Mrs. Nash's Second Grade Class
Cumberland Elementary School
Whitefish Bay, Wisconsin

How to be a Nature Detective

How to be a Nature Detective by Millicent Simms  offered many opportunities to compare and contrast the tracks of domestic animals as well as of those that live in the wild.  The children read the selection independently.  They then had to look at the animal tracks that were in the snow and compare and contrast the tracks.  We learned that when you compare or contrast things in writing, there are special clue words to use.  Clue words such as like or same show comparison.  Clue words such as but or unlike show contrasts.  We wrote sentences using the clue words to compare and contrast some of the animal tracks in the snow.

Comparing and Contrasting

The raccoon tracks have 5 toes, unlike the deer that has hooves.

You can see the fingers on the raccoon tracks, but not on the deer tracks.

The footprints of a fox are in a single line, like a cat’s footprints.

But they have claw marks, like a dog’s.

A cat’s tracks show four feet and sharp claws, but so does a dog’s

Unlike the frog, a snake makes one long track in the snow.

A dog’s tracks look almost the same as a cat’s tracks.

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© Patricia Knox & Susan Silverman - Kidspired Frosty Tales 2004