Mrs. Ireland's Second Grade Class
D.J. Schoular Public School
Smiths Falls, Ontario, Canada

Thomas' Snowsuit

Our school board has recently changed all the programs available on our computers and the Kidspiration program was no longer available. We used Smart Ideas 5 instead. It is very similar and the students had a great time.

In Smiths Falls, Ontario, Canada we wear snowsuits for three to five months of the year. Helping students with stuck or broken zippers, snaps that won't snap and locating hats, mitts and boots is a daily occurrence. Thomas' Snowsuit by Robert Munsch, a Canadian author, was the 'frosty' book for us!

The book was introduced as a Read Aloud. Many students have heard this story before and helped make Thomas' “no” come to life. During the week, as a Shared Reading activity, we worked on it in a Reader's Theater format. We brainstormed different ways to say 'no' and created a chant for Thomas.

Not a chance.
No way Jose.
I Don't Want to!

We learned a song about a problem snowsuit. We put all of the activities together and brought the story alive for our Grade 6 reading buddies with music, chanting and using different voices with fantastic expression for each character.

To aid in our retell skills the students were given paper dolls and clothes to colour and cut out. They listened to the author tell the story , an mp3 on the computer, while they placed the clothes on and off the paper dolls. Later we used the paper dolls and clothes to demonstrating our /retelling/ skills to our grade 6 reading buddies. As a writing activity the students wrote about their favourite part of the story and glued the dolls with the appropriate clothes to the writing sheet.

In computer class the students used the Smart Ideas5 program. They found appropriate clip art of people and clothes and moved them around the screen while listening to the mp3 of the Robert Munsch telling the story.

Robert Munsch, the author, has a website with many of his stories in mp3 format.

*My Snowsuit*

Music and Lyrics Elaine Ireland Dec. 2, 2003

My Snowsuit is a pain to put on
There are too many things to do up
By the time I go out its time to come in
 A snowsuit is a pain to put on

My zipper is supposed to go zip
But it never seems to cooperate
 It catches my shirt or nicks my neck
 My zipper is supposed to go zip

My snaps are supposed to go click
But they slip with my mitts on my hands
And when they work they’re never lined up
 My snaps are supposed to go click.

My hood is supposed to stay on
But it usually slips off my head
It fills with snow and flaps in the wind
 My hood is supposed to stay on

I guess I like my snowsuit after all
When I play outside on the coldest days
 I have lots of fun and stay toasty warm
 I guess I like my snowsuit after all.


Grade 2 Ontario Curriculum Expectations Oral Communication:
2.3 communicate information in a clear, coherent manner using simple but appropriate organizational patterns
2.5 identify some vocal effects, including tone, pace, pitch and volume, and use them appropriately
2.7 use a few different visual aids, to support or enhance oral presentations

1.4 demonstrate understanding of a text by retelling the story or retating information from the text, with the inclusion of a few interesting details
1.8 express personal thoughts and feelings about what has been read

Writing: 2.2establish a personal voice in their writing, with a focus on using familiar words that convey their attitude or feeling towards the subject or audience
 2.3use familiar words and phrases to communicate relevant details

Drama: *speak in role as characters in a story


© Susan Silverman - Kidspired Frosty Tales 2007