Ms. Praytor's Second Grade Class
Mockingbird Elementary School
Coppell, Texas

All Your Need for a Snowman

Interactive Read Aloud:
This year was a snowy one for Texas! My second graders actually experienced a good snow fall so I decided to read the book, All You Need for a Snowman by Alice Schertle. This book is about children building a snowman on a cold and snowy winter day. They start with a single snowflake, and in the end, create a snowman and a friend for the snowman.

Language Arts Connection: During the students’ literacy stations, they were to write a sequential story about building their own snow pal. They were able to choose any type of pal to build, whether it was a snowman, snowdog, snowbird, etc… They were able to peer edit their papers and check for specific writing elements.

Click HERE to learn more about our learning experience.

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Download Kidspiration File

Note: This activity requires that you install .inl files in the custom library.

Snow Pal.inl

Snow Pal 2. inl

Snow Pal 3.inl

1. Put the library file or files (*.inl) into the C:\Program Files\Kidspiration 2\Kidspiration Libraries\Custom Libraries folder on the machine that will be opening the Kidspiration Activity. Mac users can find the folder in Applications.

2. Open Kidspiration and then the Activity. From the Teacher Menu, select Enable Teacher Menu.

3. Return to the Teacher Menu and select, Save with Activity Wizard. Click Next and then click on the radio button in front of Selected Libraries. In the left window, scroll all the way to the bottom under Custom Libraries and select the library(ies) you need and then click the Select button to move the libraries to the window on the right. When complete, click Next. Click Next, Next, and Next again. Select the radio button in front of Another Location and click Save Activity. Save the activity in the location your students will use to access the file (may be a network drive or the hard drive of that machine depending on your particular situation). Now your students will be able to use the custom library of symbols when they access the Kidspiration Activity.


© Susan Silverman - Kidspired Frosty Tales 2007