Norma Goddard's Second Grade Class
Lincoln Elementary School
La Crescenta, California

Dear Peter Rabbit

We read Dear Peter Rabbit by Alma Flor Ada. We decided to write a letter to Goldilocks from Baby Bear. we also wrote individual letters to the various characters in the book. We had a great time!

Bear House in the Woods

                                          Hidden Meadows
              April 30th

Goldilocks McGregor
cGregor Farm
Vegetable Lane

Dear Goldilocks,

       Thank you for inviting me to your birthday party.  I had a good time.  The birthday cake was delicious and I especially loved the decorations on the cake.  They were yummy!  Chocolate cake with chocolate chips and mint chip ice cream are my very favorite desserts. 

I am glad that you have a lot of new friends and that I got to meet them.  It was nice to see Little Red Riding Hood alive and well after her terrible experience with the wolf!  I was surprised to see Peter Rabbit at your party because your father almost caught him in the garden not long ago.  Peter Rabbit is one brave rabbit!

       I would love for you to come to my house next Saturday night for a sleepover.  Could you please come at a quarter to five?  If you can that will give us extra time to play Hide and Go Seek in the Dark.  We could have a pillow fight at nine o’clock.  Then we could stay up really late and tell scary stories.  At midnight we will have a snack of pepperoni and cheese pizza.    

Please tell your mom and dad that I will take very good care of you.  I can’t wait until next Saturday night.

                                   Your new friend,

                                    Baby Bear 

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© Patricia Knox & Susan Silverman - Kidspired Bunnies 2003