Michelle Harper's Kindergarten Class
Cimarron Elementary School
Katy, Texas
The Whispering Rabbit

Mrs. Harper’s Class wrote a letter to the character in The Whispering Rabbit. They told the rabbit their ideas about how to get the bee to leave the rabbit’s mouth. Read their interactive letter writing activity!

May 20, 2003

If Cameron was the rabbit, he would make the sound of a jumping .  It would make the think more bees are coming. If Jennifer was the rabbit, she would do the whispering noise because it is an interesting little noise. If Sasha was the rabbit, she would whisper in a whisper voice, “Bee you are missing something. Bees are getting nectar without you.” If Keith was the rabbit, he would make the noise of the sound of water dropping on the .  It would make the bee think of pollen dropping from a .  If Julianna was the rabbit, she would make a sound.  The bee might think the firefly has .


Mrs. Harper’s Kindergarten Class


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