Our 1st Grade Class read The Biggest, Best
Snowman by Margery Cuyler. We have been working on story
comprehension skills including sequencing. After reading the
story we talked about the most important events in the story and
the order that they happened. To complete this activity, move
the parts of the story under the correct number to show the
order that they occurred in this book.
We decide to write directions on how to
build a snowman. Some of the things that we discussed were
giving clear directions and making sure that the steps were in
the right order. Maybe you can try to build a snowman by
following these directions!
1. Roll the snow into a big ball,
a medium ball, and a small ball.
2. Put the big ball on the
3. Put the medium ball on top of
the big ball.
4. Put the small ball on top.
5. Use buttons or rocks to make a
6. Get a carrot and use it for
the nose.
7. Use buttons, rocks or raisins
for the eyes.
8. Use 2 sticks for the arms.
9. Get a hat for your snowman.
10. Get a broom for the snowman
to hold.
11. Put finishing touches to make
it look beautiful!
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Kidspiration Activity File