We read the 1999 Caldecott Award winning book
Snowflake Bentley by Jacqueline Briggs Martin. We learned
that Wilson Bentley was an amazing man full of patience and
questions. After we read the book, we wrote a class poem about
Read the individual poems written by our
students on our
Snowflake Bentley webpage.
1. We learned that “SNOWFLAKE” is a compound word. We looked in
the book and found other compound words. We then used
Kidspiration to separate the words.
2. The book Snowflake Bentley served as a starting point for our
biography unit. We are learning how to write and display
biographical information about important people. See examples of
biography projects from past years.
The important thing about Snowflake
Bentley is that he was a very patient man.
He was born on February 9, 1865 in Jericho, Vermont.
He loved snowflakes more than anything else.
Snowflake Bentley discovered that no two snowflakes are the
He had a camera that had a special microscope on it.
He was the first person to take pictures of snowflakes.
Bentley studied and photographed snowflakes every winter.
He never quit when his experiments didn’t work.
He was a Scientist of snow.
He also loved playing the piano and singing songs.
He published a book with pictures of snowflakes.
But the important thing about Snowflake
Bentley is that he was a very patient man.
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