We read The Mitten Tree
by Candace Christiansen. We wrote a new ending for the story. We
decided to tell who left the yarn for Sarah.
The next day, we talked about
what kind of person Sarah is and how we knew using examples from
the story. Then we brainstormed some words to describe her. We
decided she was kind, creative and generous. After that, we
played a game. Each of us had a turn and we had to think of a
word to describe us. One rule was that if you gave a word you
also had to give an example that proved it! We wrote all of the
character description words on a chart. After that, we choose a
friend or family member to make a character web about in
As Sarah neared
her porch and climbed the steps, she saw something waiting for
her. There in the corner was a basket woven with thick brown
vines and decorated with a large white bow. In it were balls and
balls of beautiful yarn. Sarah wondered who they were from. She
looked around her yard and saw footsteps in the snow. They led
to the mitten tree. Sarah followed the footsteps and looked
under the tree. There she saw the little boy that she gave the
first pair of mittens to. He smiled and Sarah winked back at
him. She reached into her pocket and pulled out a cookie. The
little boy ate the cookie happily. To this day, Sarah still
knits mittens for all the children in the town. Now, every time
Sarah runs out of mittens she leaves a basket of cookies outside
her door. The next day, a full basket of yarn appears.
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Kidspiration Activity File