Mrs. Pruziner
Media Specialist- Working with Mrs. Best's Fourth Grade Class
Port Jefferson Station, New York

Farmer Boy

The students in Mrs. Best's 4th grade class read the book Farmer Boy, by Laura Ingalls Wilder, during their weekly library periods. After the book was read, their first assignment was to write down three chores for which the book's characters were responsible and three chores for which the students were responsible as members of their families. Mrs. Pruziner, the Library Media Specialist, then introduced the class to the Kidspiration activity: Using the picture library in Kidspiration, they were to find pictures representative of all six chores, import those pictures onto the template, and write a complete sentence describing the chore under each picture. Finally they were to print the picture; then, using Microsoft Word, they had to write a complete paragraph using the six sentences from the Kidspiration activity.


In the story Farmer Boy Almanzo and his brother and sisters had to do a lot of chores. Almanzo and his brother had to milk the cows, lock up the barn and make beds for the animals. His sisters had to knit and make dinner. In my house I have to do chores. I have to do my homework. I also have to remember to bring back my library books and get ready for dance class.


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© Patricia Knox & Susan Silverman - Kidspired Frosty Tales 2003