Just before Christmas, our class read the book
"Night Tree" by Eve Bunting. We were inspired to make a
Christmas tree for the animals just like the characters did in
the book. Once we'd finished, we wrote our own version of "Night
Later, we used our story to practice the
publishing process. We reread the story after the holidays and
added details that we hoped might help you create mental images
in your head as you read. We fixed any mistakes we found and got
it ready for publishing on this website. Maybe your class would
like to make a winter tree for the animals at your school!
by Mrs. Wall's Class
One cold, windy morning
Mrs. Wall’s class was making food for the animal’s Christmas
tree! We read a book called Night Tree and then we
decided to make a Christmas tree for the animals who don’t have
enough food. All of us brought food. First we broke into three
teams: the pinecone team, the Cheerio team and the fruit team.
The Cheerio team put LOTS of Cheerios on red and green string.
The fruit team put pieces of apples and oranges on hooks. The
pinecone team put peanut butter on 12 pinecones and rolled them
in birdseed.
Then we went outside in
the cold and decorated 4 evergreen trees by our classroom
windows for the animals. We also put bread, carrots and extra
fruit underneath the trees. It was freezing cold so we did it
quickly. Some of us saw some birds eating from our birdfeeder.
We wondered, “Would they eat the food that’s on the tree also?”
Later we took pictures of ourselves standing by the trees.
When we came back from
Christmas break we saw the 4 trees were almost empty! There
were only 2 Cheerios left. We were happy because we were glad
that nature’s animals had lots of food in their stomachs to be
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Kidspiration Activity File