My first and second grade gifted-education students studied
ladybugs as an introduction to our insect unit.
I began the unit by actively engaging my students in the
development of the concept of an insect. I designed an
ActiveBoard flipchart based on a concept mastery lesson.
Students sorted examples and non-examples of insects and
eventually developed a definition that included the most
important defining characteristics of an insect.
After we shared an understanding of the term insect, we
read about the ladybug. Students used a frame organizer to take
notes on the article they read. Students then wrote three
paragraphs using the organizer as a guide. The final paragraph
was written on round-shaped paper which became the body of their
ladybug craft project.

Students also drew and labeled a diagram of the ladybug’s life

In the computer lab students each completed a page about
ladybugs. They used technology skills to search for an image,
copy and paste the image onto a document, type several sentences
about the ladybug, and finish by choosing their font and letter
size. In the classroom, students presented their completed work
which was then bound into a class book.

These lessons combined academic learning standards in reading,
writing, technology, communication and science.