Q1: What is the difference between ancient Egyptian writing and modern Egyptian writing?
 A1: more details

Q2: Who are the two ancient Egyptian Gods displayed in this picture, how are these Gods related, and what were the roles of these Gods A2: the mummifiers they had to mummify the body but after doing it they were cursed because they were harming their body

Q3: Why did the ancient Egyptians mummify their dead?
A3: so they could go to the afterlife and there insides would not rot but it was better when they got preserved in the sand anyway

Q4: How are funeral preparations today different from the Egyptian mummification process?
A4: mummification was taking out the brain heart etc.. putting them in vinegar for 40 days then putting the heart back in and wrapping them up today we don't wrap them up we put people in a coffin and put them underground

Q5: Who is the ancient Egyptian noble? Who are the commoners? What is the difference in their dress? A5: jelewry

Q6: How does their clothing differ from the clothing that Egyptians wear today?
 A6: they wore rags and a lot og gold with animal heads today we were jeans shirts and not much jewelry


 South Africa
Q1: What is the difference between ancient Egyptian writing and modern Egyptian writing?
 A1: Ancient Egyptians wrote hieroglyphics.

 Q2: Who are the two ancient Egyptian Gods displayed in this picture, how are these Gods related, and what were the roles of these Gods?
A2: Horus and ?, Horus is the female gods son, and ? was Horus's role while love or family was ?'s job.

 Q3: Why did the ancient Egyptians mummify their dead?
  A3: To preserve their bodies when they went to the afterlife.

 Q4: How are funeral preparations today different from the Egyptian mummification process?
 A4: ?

 Q5: Who is the ancient Egyptian noble? Who are the commoners? What is the difference in their dress?
  A5: The two men are different because the more clothes, jewels, and expensive material, the higher the rank.

Q6:  How does their clothing differ from the clothing that Egyptians wear today? A6: Egyptians today don't wear robes and they have shoes.

  Little Neck, NY, USA
Q1: What is the difference between ancient Egyptian writing and modern Egyptian writing?
 A1: The Egyptians used to write in hieroglyphics but now they use the Arabic writing.

 Q2: Who are the two ancient Egyptian Gods displayed in this picture, how are these Gods related, and what were the roles of these Gods?
  A2: One of the gods was Isis, the goddess of fertility and motherhood but I am not sure about the other one.

Q3: Why did the ancient Egyptians mummify their dead?
 A3: The Egyptians mummified their dead so that their ba and ka (joint souls) would have a body to rest in during the afterlife.

  Q4: How are funeral preparations today different from the Egyptian mummification process?  
A4: Today we do not mummify our dead, we just bury them.

 Q5: Who is the ancient Egyptian noble? Who are the commoners? What is the difference in their dress?  A5: The one on the left is the noble. He is wearing nicer clothes and is wearing shoes. Also the others are carrying things.

 Q6: How does their clothing differ from the clothing that Egyptians wear today?
  A6: The ancient Egyptians would wear shentis and robes. Today Egyptians dress like the rest of the world.

 South Africa
Q1: What is the difference between ancient Egyptian writing and modern Egyptian writing?
  A1: They wrote in symbols not letters. I have no idea how to write or read them. Can you? They have so many different symbols, I don't ever think I could write in all the symbols that they have. It must have taken them such a long time to create them because only the scholars and scribes and some priests could read and write. If I was an Egyptian I would like to be a scribe even though it is a lot of learning but they don't have to back breaking farming and hard stuff like that.

 Q2: Who are the two ancient Egyptian Gods displayed in this picture, how are these Gods related, and what were the roles of these Gods?
 A2: I'm not to sure but aren't they taking the pharaohs from there after life through all the tests to see whether they will become kings.

  Q3:Why did the ancient Egyptians mummify their dead?  
A3:They mummified their dead instead of berring them and they could go through their after life in one piece. They also sent lots of belongings and clothes and food and furniture and lots of other things.  

Q4: How are funeral preparations today different from the Egyptian mummification process?
 A4: We have a lot of people and friends to all come together and then they all go to church and then we either burry them or we cremate them and then they either go to burry the person or they go and spread their ashes where they wanted to be spread before they died.

  Q5: Who is the ancient Egyptian noble? Who are the commoners? What is the difference in their dress?  A5:

 Q6: How does their clothing differ from the clothing that Egyptians wear today?
A6: I don't think that they have changed that much because I haven't seen the clothes that they wear these day but I think that they are much the same as before.

Pt. Jeff. Sta., NY, USA
Q1: What is the difference between ancient Egyptian writing and modern Egyptian writing?
 A1: Ancient Egypt used Hieroglyphs

 Q2: Who are the two ancient Egyptian Gods displayed in this picture, how are these Gods related, and what were the roles of these Gods?

 Q3: Why did the ancient Egyptians mummify their dead?
  A3:They mummified there dead because hey believed they went onto a second life and they extracted organs that would not be useful in "second world" life.

 Q4: How are funeral preparations today different from the Egyptian mummification process?
 A4: Today we do not extract organs from the dead unless it is a transplant. We do not take our possessions to the grave with us.

Q5:Who is the ancient Egyptian noble? Who are the commoners? What is the difference in their dress?
  A5: The nobles the first two from the left. The difference in dress is they have fine clothing with what appears to be gold

 Q6: How does their clothing differ from the clothing that Egyptians wear today?

  Little Neck, NY, USA
Q1: What is the difference between ancient Egyptian writing and modern Egyptian writing?
 A1: Egyptian writing today is Arabic, with letters but hieroglyphics was just pictures and symbols.

Q2: Who are the two ancient Egyptian Gods displayed in this picture, how are these Gods related, and what were the roles of these Gods?
 A2: Anubis, Isis, Osiris, and Re are the gods in this picture, that all have something to do with the dead and deceased.

Q3: Why did the ancient Egyptians mummify their dead?
 A3: So that they would have a longer and more peaceful afterlife.

  Q4: How are funeral preparations today different from the Egyptian mummification process?
  A4: Today we never mummify our dead, instead we simply bury them in a coffin, but the ancient Egyptians mummified there dead and buried them with jewels and possessions.

 Q5: Who is the ancient Egyptian noble? Who are the commoners? What is the difference in their dress? A5:The noble is on the far right because he has a cooar, sandals, and a belt. The commoners are the woman and person carrying the baskets because of the fact that they have no shoes, belts, and one has no shirt.

 Q6: How does their clothing differ from the clothing that Egyptians wear today?
A6: Today Egyptians wear thick robes to shield them from the strong light, but back in the 3 kingdoms, people wore little clothing, mostly just a shenti.

South Africa
Q1: What is the difference between ancient Egyptian writing and modern Egyptian writing?  
A1: The ancient Egyptians wrote in Hyrogliphics.  

Q2: Who are the two ancient Egyptian Gods displayed in this picture, how are these Gods related, and what were the roles of these Gods?

Q3: Why did the ancient Egyptians mummify their dead?  
A3: They mummified them to preserve their important people so that they would be in good condition in their after life.

  Q4: How are funeral preparations today different from the Egyptian mummification process?
A4: We don't mummify our dead any more and we don't build huge tombs for our kings.

  Q5: Who is the ancient Egyptian noble? Who are the commoners? What is the difference in their dress?  A5: The first man on the left is The Egyptian noble and the two on the right are commoners. I know because the man on the left is wearing gold and animal skins while the others are wearing normal clothes and are carrying baskets.

  Q6: How does their clothing differ from the clothing that Egyptians wear today?
 A6: They are wearing old robes and that sort of thing but now they wear what the whole world wears.