Our class
read The Mouse and the Motorcycle by Beverly Cleary. We
did several different projects using Microsoft Word, PowerPoint,
or Kidspiration. Some of us did character studies, story maps,
or written responses. We got to choose our own project.
Mrs Gridley
Mountain View Inn
Room 215
Ralph bent the motorcycle handlebars.
Keith was sick.
Ralph fell into the wastebasket. A tissue
covered him up.
Ralph could only ride the motorcycle at night.
Keith's mom, dad, and family are traviling to
California. There going to stay at the Mountain
View Inn.
When they get there, they are in room 215. Keith
found a mouse hole.The mouse's name was Ralph.
Keith had a motorcycle. Ralph found the
motorcycle by the bedside table and rode it.
Keith found Ralph on the motorcycle and then
they became friends. They shared things. When
Ralph found the aspirin, he gave it to Keith.
Keith wasn't feeling well. Keith's mom found out
he was sick. She put an ice pack on his head.
She couldn't find an aspirin. The front desk
didn't have aspirins. Ralph went to look for
aspirin. He found an aspirin under a table.
Keith always feeds Ralph. He put an apple core
under his pillow for Ralph.
Keith gave Ralph his motorcycle. Ralph
In the story,
Ralph and Keith had a very good friendship. Both of them were
good buds to each other. Sometimes they helped each other. Keith
gave Ralph a peanut butter sandwich. When Keith was sick with a
fever, Ralph took a risk to find an aspirin.
and Keith showed compassion. Keith rescued Ralph from the
wastebasket. He made a crash helmet for Ralph out of a ping-pong
ball. They were honest and forgiving to each other.
We had many
discussions about the book and the theme of friendship seemed to
keep coming up. Everyone wrote their own essay about friendship,
what it means, and what good friends do for each other.
Friendship to me is lots of things. It can be somebody who
always gets your back. Maybe it could be somebody who always
cheers you on. It could also be somebody that cares with all
their heart for that one special person. I�m a good friend when
I play with everybody that wants to play with me. When I let
people play with my stuff, I am a good friend. I let people ride
my scooter, bike, or even my pogo-stick. I know I have good
friends because my friends care for me. If you didn�t have
friends, your friends would be really boring. If you don�t have
any friends who would you play with? Well, the answer would be
no one. That is why you should have friends!
To me, friendship means being nice to my friends and helping
them when they need help. Friendship is choosing what to do with
my friends without anybody getting sad or mad. I let them choose
what to do and I�m happy with what they want to do, even if I
don�t want to do it. I know I have good friends because they are
nice to me. They let me go first when we jump rope. They help me
when I am sad. When I have trouble with something, they help.
They help me have a good time. Friends are important to me
because I would get bored. I would be lonely. It will be no fun.
I couldn�t do anything. Life wouldn�t be fun.
To me, friendship means being helpful, like when I help my
friends pick up balls after recess. (We still hurry up and make
the bell.) Friendship is also me helping someone if they are
hurt, lonely, or sad. I will help them at recess. If someone is
beating my friend up, I will tell them to stop. If they do not
listen, I will go tell. I am a good friend to everyone because I
do not want to get into trouble. I am kind to teachers because I
know they will not put up with trouble.
Reading Essentials
Students are able to apply strategies to read and understand
different types of texts.
Students are able to locate major structures in text to form an
understanding of stories and other materials Students are able
to explain the difference between fiction and informational text
Writing Standards
Students are able to write short stories, paragraphs, and poems
to express ideas.
Students are to generate various forms of writing.
Students are able to write descriptive detail and a variety of
sentence types.
Students are able to use correct grammar, punctuation, and
spelling when editing written expression.
Students are able to write in all subject areas. |