For this
project, we read Woodrow, The White House Mouse by Peter
and Cheryl Barnes. We've been learning about leaders in
government in our class. After reading this book and others, we
discussed the good and the bad of being President of the United
States. We brainstormed our ideas on a Kidspiration chart.

One of the
things we learned about the President is that he or she always
has to dress up. We took pictures of ourselves with the digital
camera and used Kid Pix to add fancy things that we would wear
if we were President. We also wrote the most important rule we
would make if we were President of the United States. Maybe
someday you will see one of us in the White House!

SC Language Arts
2-R1.17 Demonstrate the ability to respond to texts through a
variety of methods, such as creative dramatics, writing, and
graphic art.
2-R1.16 Continue using graphic representations such as charts
and graphic organizers as information sources and as a means of
organizing information.
SC Social Studies
2-3 Demonstrate an understanding of origins, structure, and
functions of local government
2-2 List sources of power and authority in government |