Mrs. Nash's Second Grade Class
Cumberland Elementary School
Whitefish Bay, Wisconsin
Two Mice

One of our comprehension goals for this school year is help students learn how to ask "Deep" questions. Being able to ask deep meaningful questions is a skill that takes time, but our 2nd graders are developing the skill quite well. We used a topic in our Anthology to help us develop this skill. Our class read the a story titled "Two Mice." This story is another version of the much loved Town Mouse / Country Mouse Tale. We brainstormed questions before, during and after reading the story! We found out that we could not find the answers to all of our questions just by reading the story that was in our anthology. We discussed other ways to obtain information about Mice (research on the Internet, look in books, find a video about mice) . One of our classmates was asked to do a mini-research project on the topic of mice. After Brennan gathered his information, he used a new software program called Max Show to create a powerpoint presentation on what he discovered about mice.

Brennan's Presentation

National Educational Technology Standards for Students. (NETS)

 * Students use productivity tools to collaborate in constructing technology-enhanced models, preparing publications, and producing other creative works.
 * Students develop positive attitudes toward technology uses that support lifelong learning, collaboration, personal pursuits, and productivity.
* Students use telecommunications to collaborate, publish, interact with peers, experts, and other audiences.

�  Susan Silverman2006