Mrs. Yarbrough's Second Grade Class
Carver Magnet Elementary
Little Rock, Arkansas
Assorted Books

Our class analyzed character traits using books written by Kevin Henkes. Each day we would read a new book and discuss the characters in the story, which happened to be mice. We read Chester�s Way, Sheila Rae, the Brave, Owen, and Wemberly Worried. We discussed the actions of each main character and words we could use to describe a character. To help students not use the words nice or good, we used a list of character traits from Laura Candler�s wonderful website.

I helped the students create the first character web. Each day more and more of the responsibility fell on the student. In computer lab, we used Kidspiration to create a character web. The children enjoyed this because they can identify with Kevin Henkes� characters. Kidspiration is new to our computer lab so that was exciting to have students working with the program on their own computer.

We ended our character study by voting on our favorite character. We used Graph Club to create a bar graph. We enjoyed participating in the Mouse Tales project.

Learning Standards:

R10.2.7 Use graphic organizers, including story maps, semantic or attribute maps, and Venn diagrams to make meaning of the reading selection.

R10.2.18 Use pictures and charts to enhance reading

R 9.2.5 Locate information within the text to answer literal and inferential questions.

R 9.2.2 Make connections from different parts of the text.

 R 9.2.7 Read to confirm or change predictions

 IR12.2.6 Use such graphic organizers as webbing and mapping to organize information.

�  Susan Silverman2006