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Ms. Kyann McMillie-Almaraz
Canutillo Elementary School
Canutillo, Texas


In El Paso it stays hot for a long time.  The leaves don't change.  For us, autumn is the time of the chile harvest.  We live in the Rio Grande valley where chile is grown.  We celebrated the chile harvest and autumn by studying chile. We want to tell you about some different kinds of chile.

Types of Chiles:

Jalapeno chile is very hot.  It is green.  It is small.   Jalapeno chile will burn your tongue!

Long green chile is very good to eat.  It is the biggest chile.  You can make enchiladas or chile verde with it.

Ancho chile can be red or green.  They come from Mexico.  They are hot and small.

Chile pequin are very very small.  They are red.  Pequins are the hottest chiles you can eat! 


We celebrated chile by having a big party.  We made quesadillas, guacamole, and salsa.  Quesadillas are tortillas with cheese melted between them.   Guacamole is avocado with lime.  Salsa is jalapeno, onion, tomato, and cilantro. We also made a cookbook of recipes from our families.  We have given you two recipes so that you can try some chile!

Asado de carne de puerco

2 libras de carne
10 chiles pasilla
� cabeza de ajo
1 cucharasopera de oregano
1 sobre de canela entera
10 hojitas de laurel

Primero se corta la carne en trocitos y se pone a reposar en jugo de naranja porunas 3 horas.  Despues se pone a cocer la carne.  Luego que ya se cocio, se lesaca el caldo y se pone a freir la pura carne. Con el caldo que se le quito a lacarne, licue el chile, ajo, oregano, canela y sal al gusto.  Cuando la carne yaeste guisada, se le pone lo que licuo y se le ponen las hojas de laurel enteras.  Hierva todo junto.

Chile Con Queso

2 jalapenos, chopped,
� pound muenster cheese,
1 pound Velvettacheese
1 tomato, chopped
1 white onion, chopped,
� stick of butter,
1/3 cupmilk.

Saute: jalapenos, onion, and tomato in butter. Add muenster cheese (cut intosmall pieces) and milk until softly melted, then add Velvetta cheese.  Cook on low flame until all are melted.


The chile study was part of a larger study on Mexico and Canada as our neighboring countries. I teach in a dual language classroom, so half of my students are native Spanish speakers and half are native English speakers.  Each cooperative group (a mix of Spanish/English speakers) was assigned a chile.  I provided literature on each chile which the group read together.  Then each individual wrote a brief description of the assigned chile.   Assessment for this activity is based on cooperative group participation, since the idea is more verbal development (Spanish to English, English to Spanish). Parents were asked to submit favorite chile recipes which we have formed into a bi-lingual class cookbook.  This part of the activity was not assessed.